Dragon Fruit Spiritual Meaning Dragon fruit, also known as Pitaya or strawberry pear, is a mysterious and exotic tropical fruit that has been gaining popularity in recent years. This vibrant, sweet-tasting fruit carries with it a deep spiritual meaning that has...
The Truth About Alcohol And Spiritual Awakening Alcohol has been a part of human culture for thousands of years, and it’s often associated with spiritual awakening. But is alcohol really necessary to achieve higher states of consciousness? Recent studies...
How To Tell If Someone Has Good Intentions? It can be difficult to gauge someone’s intentions, especially if you don’t know them very well. But when it comes to relationships, whether romantic or platonic, understanding the motives of another person...
How To Clear Your Energy With Sage Smudging? Sage smudging is an ancient practice used to clear energy and create a sense of calm. This ancient ritual is believed to help rid the atmosphere and environment of negative energies while inviting positive and...
How To Read People’s Energy In 3 Seconds? If you’re looking to read people’s energy in just 3 seconds, then you’ve come to the right place. There are many techniques that can help you understand someone’s feelings, emotions, and...
Violet Flame Invocation The Violet Flame Invocation is a powerful and ancient spiritual practice used to transmute negative energy into positive energy. It is said that the Violet Flame was given to humanity by Ascended Masters, including Saint Germain and El...
How To Use Third Eye Chakra Journal Prompts Journaling with Third Eye Chakra prompts can be an effective way to tap into your inner knowledge, gain clarity, and access your higher self. The Third Eye Chakra is located between the eyebrows and is associated with...
Why Narcissists Target Empaths Narcissists and empaths are two very different types of people, but unfortunately, narcissists often target empaths. Understanding why this happens can help the empath protect themselves from the narcissist’s manipulation...
The Sacred Spine [Your Axis Between Heaven and Earth] The spine is an axis of power, connecting us with the heavens and the earth. It is sacred, a conduit for energy from both heavenly realms and earthly forces. Energy flows through our spines, keeping us...
Signs Your Higher Self Is Trying To Contact You Are you feeling a strong urge to make changes in your life, or have you been having vivid dreams that leave you feeling deeply moved? It’s possible that these sensations are actually signs from your higher...
Galactic Messages Gaia TV Series The Gaia TV series Galactic Messages is an inspiring look into the seismic shift of our collective consciousness. This original series explores the power of communication across galaxies, providing viewers with a unique...
Third Eye Activation The angelic realm is one of mystery and exploration, filled with unseen knowledge and wisdom. For those looking to unlock the secrets of the Universe, activating your Third Eye can be a powerful experience. The Third Eye is often referred...
What Is Trance Channeling? Trance channeling is a form of spiritual communication that allows people to connect with the divine. It’s a practice that uses altered states of consciousness, such as trance and meditation, to access higher realms in order to...
Lion’s Gate Portal [Manifestation & Meaning] What Is The Lion’s Gate Portal? The Lion’s Gate Portal is an energetic gateway that opens up between the physical and spiritual realms, offering a unique opportunity for transformation and...
Are You A Starseed? Are you a Starseed? Do you feel like something is missing in your life but don’t know what it is? It could be that you are one of the many starseeds on Earth. Starseeds refer to a group of people who believe they originated from other...
Manifest What You Want Quickly [With The Angel’s Help] Manifesting what you want can seem like a daunting task, but with the help of angels, it can be easier than you think. Angels are divine beings that are always on hand to offer guidance and support....
Spiritual Awakening [Signs & Symptoms] The angels have much to say about spiritual awakening and the signs and symptoms associated with it. When we become aware of our inner spirit, we gain access to an entirely new level of understanding and knowledge....
Dream About Hearing Someone Calling Your Name | Spiritual Meaning Dreaming about hearing someone calling your name can be quite a confusing experience. Your subconscious may be trying to tell you something important, but what does it all mean? One of the...
Light Code Activation 11:11 Do you feel like the universe is trying to send you a meaningful message? If so, it might be time to consider light code activation 11 11. This ancient spiritual practice is believed to help people connect with their guardian angels,...
Golden Light Spiritual Meaning The golden light is one of the most powerful and beautiful symbols in spiritualism. It has been seen as a sign of hope, protection, divine love, and inspiration for centuries. People from all walks of life have sought out its...
How To Turn Your Empathy Into A Superpower? Do you have an innate ability to sense and understand the emotions of others? If so, your empathy can be turned into a superpower. With some effort, you can use your natural capacity for understanding to make a...
Can You Feel Other People’s Energy From A Distance? Yes, you can feel other people’s energy from a distance. Here’s how. Have you ever walked into a room and felt the tension? Or felt the good vibes from a group of friends? That’s...
Law Of Attraction And Chakras The Law of Attraction is the belief that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, people can bring positive or negative experiences into their lives. This belief is based on the idea that like attracts like. One way of tapping...
How To Be Happy As An Empath? As an empath, it is important to find ways to ground yourself and protect your energy. Here are some tips on how to be happy as an empath: 1. Be mindful of the company you keep. Surround yourself with people who make you feel good...
What Do Hiccups Mean Spiritually? Hiccups are often thought of as a minor annoyance, but they can actually be a sign of something more serious. While the cause of hiccups is usually benign, there are some medical conditions that can lead to hiccups....
How To Work With Archangels When it comes to working with archangels, the most important thing to remember is that they are here to help us. They are not some sort of genie in a bottle that we can summon at will to grant our every wish. Instead, they are...
Signs The Universe Is Testing You | Angel Messages When you’re going through a tough time, it can feel like the universe is against you. But sometimes, these difficult experiences can be a sign that the universe is actually testing you. Here are some...
Angel Number 889 Meaning When it comes to angel numbers, there are certain ones that carry more weight than others. Angel number 889 is one of those numbers. This number is a powerful symbol of abundance and prosperity. It is a reminder that you are on the right path...
Signs You Are Going Through The Ring Of Fire Spiritually When your life is turned upside down and everything you thought you knew comes into question, it can be a sign that you are going through the Ring of Fire spiritually. This is a time when your old beliefs...
Angel Signs – Seeing Hearts Everywhere When it comes to angel signs, one of the most common ways that angels communicate with us is through the use of numbers. Seeing repeated numbers is a clear sign that your guardian angel is trying to send you a...
How To Be Grateful In Hard Times In order to be grateful in hard times, it is important to recognize that there are still things to be grateful for. While it may be difficult to see the positive when things are tough, it is important to remember that gratitude...
Spiritual Ascension Diet A spiritual ascension diet is a way of eating that is in alignment with the frequencies of the new Earth. It is a diet that helps to cleanse and detoxify the body, and to open up the chakras and energy centers of the body. The diet is...
Your Perception Of Me Is A Reflection Of You How you see me is a reflection of how you see yourself. If you think I’m beautiful, it’s because you think you are beautiful. If you think I’m intelligent, it’s because you think you are...
Wounded Feminine Energy In recent years, the term “wounded feminine energy” has become more and more popular. But what does it actually mean? Simply put, wounded feminine energy is the result of years of cultural conditioning that have led women to suppress...
How Do You Set Your Intentions On A Full Moon? When it comes to setting intentions, there is no wrong or right way to do it. Some people prefer to set their intentions on the new moon, while others wait for the full moon. No matter when you choose to set your...
How To Build A Relationship With Your Guardian Angels? Building a relationship with your guardian angels can be a rewarding experience. Here are a few tips on how to get started: 1. Pray for guidance. Ask your guardian angels to help you in your daily life and...
Ego vs. Intuition – How To Tell The Difference? The ego is the part of the psyche that is conscious and aware of the outside world. It is the “I” that experiences life. The ego is constantly trying to protect itself from harm and preserve its...
Are You A Natural Born Empath and Psychic? Are you a natural-born empath and psychic? If you have the ability to feel and interpret the emotions of others, then you may be an empath. Empaths are able to sense the thoughts and feelings of those around them,...
How To Intuitively Eat Without Binging If you’re someone who struggles with binge eating, you know how difficult it can be to control your food intake. You may feel like you’re always thinking about food and what you should or shouldn’t be...
How To Use Your Intuition To Make Decisions When it comes to making decisions, many of us tend to overthink things and second-guess ourselves. We may agonize over what the “right” decision is, and whether or not we’re making the best choice. But what if there...
Signs Your Passed Loved One Is Trying To Contact You When a loved one passes away, it can be difficult to let go. Some people find solace in the belief that their loved ones are watching over them from the other side. Here are some signs that your passed loved...
How To Find Your Spirit Animal [And Connect With Them]… Your spirit animal is your guide and protector in this life, helping you to find your true path. They are also a reflection of your soul, so it is important to connect with them on a deep level. Here...
Can People With Clairvoyance See And Hear Spirits? Yes, people with clairvoyance can see and hear spirits. Clairvoyance is the ability to see beyond the five physical senses and perceive information in the form of energy or vibration. This extrasensory...
What Are Angel Orbs? A lot of people believe in the existence of angel orbs. They are said to be balls of light that show up in photographs and are believed to be the spirits of deceased loved ones or guardian angels watching over us. Some people even claim to...
Halloween Prayer Of Protection With the Angels Halloween is a special time of year when the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is thinner. This makes it the perfect time to connect with our guardian angels and the Universe for protection. Here is a...
How To Attract Good Luck [With The Angels Help] When it comes to attracting good luck, many people turn to the angels for help. Angels are beings of light and love who can guide us on our path in life. There are a few things you can do to attract the...
Is There A Pet Heaven? There are many opinions on whether or not there is a pet heaven. Some people believe that their furry friends go to a special place after they die, while others think that they simply cease to exist. There is no right or wrong answer, and...
How To Use Your Intuition To Change Your Life? If you’re like most people, you probably have a hard time discerning between your intuition and your “gut feeling.” Your intuition is that quiet, nagging voice inside your head that is always...
Letting Go Of Perfectionism Do you find yourself constantly striving for perfectionism and falling short? Are you stuck in the cycle of never feeling good enough? If so, it’s time to let go of perfectionism. The angels and universe are here to remind you...
Trust Your Gut Meaning When it comes to making decisions in our lives, we are often told to trust our gut. But what does that really mean? From an Angels and Universe perspective, trusting your gut means following your intuition. It means listening to the...
Tennessee Haunted Caverns If you’re looking for a good scare, look no further than Tennessee’s Haunted Caverns. The caverns, located in East Tennessee, are said to be home to a number of ghosts and spirits. Visitors to the caverns have reported...
Best Foods For Highly Sensitive Person If you’re highly sensitive, you may find that certain foods make you feel worse. But there are also some foods that can help improve your symptoms. Here are the best foods for a highly sensitive person: 1. Salmon:...
Angel Number 435 Meaning If you keep seeing angel number 435, it’s a sign that your guardian angel is trying to communicate with you. Here’s what the meaning of this number is and what you should do if you keep seeing it. Angel number 435 is a...
Spiritual Meaning Of Forgetting Dreams When we forget our dreams, it can be frustrating. But what is the spiritual meaning of forgetting dreams? There are a few possible interpretations of forgetting dreams from a spiritual perspective. One interpretation is...
New Moon Prayer Praying during the new moon is a special time to reflect on your intentions and desires. The new moon is a time of new beginnings, so it’s the perfect time to set your intentions for the month ahead. Here’s a simple New Moon Prayer...
Emotional Triggers For Empaths Empaths are highly sensitive people who feel the emotions of others as if they were their own. Because of this, they are often emotionally triggered by the events happening around them. There are many things that can trigger an...
Violet Flame Prayer Praying with the Violet Flame can help to transform all areas of your life. This powerful energy can change the way you think, feel and act, and help you to create more positive experiences in your life. The Violet Flame is a unique energy...
Crystal Grid For Protection A crystal grid is a powerful tool that can be used for protection. By creating a grid with specific crystals, you can create a barrier of energy around yourself or your home that will protect you from negative vibes and harmful...
Advantages Of Being An Empath There are many advantages that come with being an empath. For one, empaths are highly attuned to the emotions of others, which can be a great asset in both personal and professional relationships. Empaths are also usually very...
Empath Clairvoyant An empath clairvoyant is someone who is able to see and feel the emotions of others. They can often tell what someone is feeling just by looking at them. Empaths are also highly sensitive to the energy around them and can pick up on the...
Unlock Your Psychic Abilities Psychics are people who use their heightened senses to tap into the spiritual realm and interpret messages from the universe. If you’ve ever been interested in using your own psychic abilities, there are a few things you can do to...
How To Tap Into Your Spiritual Gifts Have you ever had a moment where you just knew something? Maybe it was a knowing about someone or something that couldn’t be rationally explained. Or maybe you had a premonition about an event that later came to pass. These...
Can Empaths Sense Death? As an Empath, I have always been interested in the idea that we can sense death. Years ago I sensed my Grandmother’s death the week she was going to pass and was able to get to the hospice care facility, in time, on the day of her...
Spiritual Meaning Of Hearing A Phone Ring Angels are the divine messengers of the Universe, and they often communicate with us through signs and symbols. One of the most common ways they do this is by causing things to happen in the physical world that gets...
Best Crystals For Plants There are many benefits to using crystals with plants. Crystals can help to increase the plant’s energy, vitality, and overall health. They can also help to purify the air and protect the plant from negative energies. Here are some of...
Spiritual Meaning Of Foot Pain There are many different spiritual meanings of foot pain. One meaning is that it is a sign from the universe that you are out of alignment with your true path in life. If you are experiencing foot pain, it is important to take...
Spiritual Meaning of Finding Quarters A quarter is a coin that is worth 25 cents. In the United States, quarters are minted in Denver, Philadelphia, and San Francisco. They are made out of an alloy of 91.67% copper, and 8.33% nickel, and are plated with 100%...
Crystals To Heal A Broken Heart And Attract Love If your heart is broken and you’re looking for love, you might want to try using crystals. There are certain crystals that are said to be able to heal a broken heart and attract love. For example, rose...
Spiritual Meaning Of Broken Glass When it comes to the spiritual meaning of broken glass, there are a few different interpretations. Some believe that it is a sign of bad luck, while others see it as a symbol of change or new beginnings. Regardless of what you...
Seeing Birthday Numbers Do you ever see your birthday number Everywhere? Why is that? According to a recent study, people who see their birthday number more than chance would predict are more likely to be happy and feel younger. The study, published in the...
Spiritual Meaning Of Goosebumps There are many different interpretations of the spiritual meaning of goosebumps. Some believe that they are a sign from the universe or God, while others believe that they are a way for our bodies to release energy. Regardless of...
Waking Up At 4:44 am Spiritual Meaning Have you ever woken up at 4:44 am and wondered what it could mean? Many people believe that this is a spiritual sign from the universe. Some believe that waking up at 4:44 am is a sign that you are on the right path in...
9 Best Essential Oils For Empaths If you’re an empath, you know that your ability to feel the emotions of others can be both a blessing and a curse. You might find yourself feeling drained after being around people for too long, or absorbing their...
The Most Powerful Manifestation Journal A manifestation journal is a powerful tool that can help you manifest your desires and intentions. By writing down your thoughts, feelings, and goals, you can begin to see the patterns that emerge and take steps to change...
Candles With Crystals Inside Candles with crystals inside are becoming increasingly popular as people learn more about the benefits of using crystals. Crystal candles can help to promote relaxation, peace, and calmness in your life. They can also be used to...
Prayer For Archangel Chamuel Are you looking for a prayer for Archangel Chamuel? This powerful angel can help you with issues of the heart, including love, relationships, and self-esteem. Here is a beautiful prayer to call on Archangel Chamuel for...
Praying To Archangel Raziel Are you looking for guidance from a powerful and benevolent force? Archangel Raziel may be the angel for you! Raziel means “secret of God” or “mysterious one,” and this archangel is known for providing divine...
7 Signs Your Guardian Angel Is Trying To Contact You If you’ve been feeling like you’re being watched from above, or have been finding feathers and other items in strange places, it’s possible your guardian angel is trying to contact you....
7 Archangels Help You Find Love In this fast-paced world, it’s hard to find someone you can connect with on a deeper level. Someone who understands your soul. But with the help of the seven archangels, anything is possible. According to the Archangel...
Hearing Sirens Spiritual Meaning When you hear a siren, what comes to mind? For many people, the sound of a siren brings to mind images of emergency vehicles rushing to help someone in need. While there is certainly a practical meaning to the sound of sirens,...
Archangel Uriel Crystals Crystals have been used for centuries to help with healing and spiritual growth. Each type of crystal has its own unique properties that can help with different areas of your life. Archangel Uriel Crystals are said to be some of the...
Full Moon Effects On Empaths As the full moon rises in the sky, many people across the world are affected by its power. For empaths, this time can be particularly intense as they feel the energy of the moon more strongly. Some of the effects include an increase in...
How To Do Automatic Writing Automatic writing is a form of writing in which the writer is not consciously thinking about what they are writing. Instead, the thoughts and words are said to come from a higher power or from the subconscious mind. Some people...
How To Open Third Eye Without Meditation The third eye, or the sixth chakra, is located in the center of your forehead. It’s responsible for intuition, insight, and higher consciousness. Some people believe that the third eye is the gateway to spiritual...
How To Cleanse Your House With Salt? Salt is a natural purifier and can be used to cleanse your house energetically. It’s especially useful for removing negative energy and psychic residue. Here are a few ways to use salt to cleanse your home…...
Meaning Of A Spiritual Healer In general, a spiritual healer is someone who helps others connect with the divine or with their higher selves. This type of healer often uses energy work or prayer to help people heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually....
How Do You Know If You Have Healing Hands The ability to heal is said to be a natural talent that some people possess. So how do you know if you have healing hands? There is no one answer to that question, as the ability to heal can manifest itself in many...
Feather Meaning And Spiritual Symbolism Feather’s meaning and spiritual symbolism are vast and varied. Feathers have been used as symbols of power, guidance, honor, strength, and courage throughout history. They are often associated with the divine,...
Ringing In Ears Meaning For centuries, people have associated ringing in the ears with spiritual meaning. In some cases, this ringing is seen as a warning from a higher power. In others, it may be a sign that something good is about to happen. While the ringing...
Dragonfly Animal Totem | Symbolism & Meaning Dragonflies are among the most ancient and revered creatures on earth. They have been around for more than 300 million years, and some cultures consider them to be messengers of the gods. Dragonflies are symbols...
Difference Between Soulmate And Twin Flame There is a lot of confusion between the terms “soulmate” and “twin flame.” Though they both represent very powerful relationships, they are not the same. A soulmate is someone with whom you have...
Cardinals And Angels | Spiritual Signs | It’s True What They Say Are Cardinals and Angels spiritual signs? What are some sayings about these beautiful creatures? There is no one answer to this question. Some people believe that Cardinals and Angels are...
Deja Vu Meaning You’re On The Right Path Deja Vu Meaning When you experience deja vu, it feels like you’ve been down this road before. But where did the feeling come from? What does deja vu mean? Deja vu is a French phrase that means...
Difference Between Angel and Archangel Are you wondering what the difference between archangels and angels is? Here is a brief explanation: Archangel is a rank or office in the angelic hierarchy, whereas an angel is a general term for any celestial being. There...
Crystal Ball Gazing Crystal ball gazing, also known as scrying, is a centuries-old practice that uses a crystal ball to help provide glimpses into the future. By staring into the ball and clearing your mind of all other thoughts, you can often see images and...
What Is The Symbolism Of Butterflies and Death? Butterflies have been around for over 150 million years and are considered one of the most successful species on Earth. There are over 20,000 different types of butterflies and they can be found in nearly every...
555 Angel Number Meaning When a 555 number appears in your life, it is often seen as a sign that you are on the right path and that you have the support of the angels. The number 555 can also be interpreted as a sign that you should trust your intuition and...
Angel Number 11 Meaning Angel number 11 is associated with the vibration of peace and enlightenment. When you see this number, it is a sign that your guardian angels are with you and they are helping to guide and protect you. The number 11 is also a sign of new...
222 Angel Number Meaning Since time immemorial, humans have been fascinated by the meaning of numbers. Each number has its own unique vibration and energy which can be harnessed for good or evil purposes, depending on the intent of the person wielding it. The...
What Does 444 Mean In Manifestation? 444 is a number that is often associated with manifestation. The idea is that when you see 444, it means that your manifestation is close. It’s a sign that you’re on the right track and that your desires are...