Why Narcissists Target Empaths


Narcissists and empaths are two very different types of people, but unfortunately, narcissists often target empaths.

Understanding why this happens can help the empath protect themselves from the narcissist’s manipulation and harm.

In a nutshell, narcissists look for someone to control and manipulate so they can feed their own egos.

Empaths are sensitive, compassionate people who make perfect targets because they are naturally empathetic and giving.

Narcissists know that an empath will feel bad if they hurt them or criticize them, so they use this as a way of controlling their behavior.

Empaths also often take things personally which gives the narcissist more ammunition to use against them.

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Reasons Narcissists Target Empaths


Narcissism is a trait characterized by an excessive need for admiration and a lack of empathy toward others.

Those struggling with narcissistic traits often target empaths, people who are thought to be highly sensitive and understanding of the needs of those around them.

Empaths are natural caregivers with strong emotional intelligence and intuition, which makes them ideal targets for someone with narcissistic traits.

Narcissists may seek out empaths in order to feel superior or “in control” of their relationship.

They might also gain validation from being able to manipulate or take advantage of someone they perceive as weaker than themselves.

Furthermore, they know that emotionally intelligent people have the capacity to understand and accept their behavior, no matter how manipulative or deceitful it may be.


Why Empaths And Narcissists Are Attracted To Each Other


Empaths and narcissists are often drawn to each other in relationships, despite the fact they both have very different personalities.

The power balance between an empath and a narcissist can be complex, but it is not uncommon for them to be initially attracted to each other.

Empaths are sensitive people who are deeply attuned to their own emotions as well as those of others.

On the other hand, narcissists typically have an inflated sense of self-importance and crave admiration from others.

Despite having opposite characteristics, there can be a strong mutual attraction between an empath and a narcissist.

This is because empaths usually feel compelled to help heal the wounds of those around them while narcissists seek constant validation from others – something that an empath may provide in abundance.


Things That Happen When An Empath Leaves A Narcissist 


When an empath leaves a narcissist, it can be liberating and frightening at the same time.

An empath is someone who is highly sensitive to the emotions of others, while a narcissist puts their own needs before anyone else’s. Leaving this type of relationship can result in drastic changes for both parties involved.

The empath may feel a wave of relief when they are no longer in a narcissistic environment, but they may also experience fear due to the lack of control they had in the relationship.

This fear could manifest as anxiety or depression depending on how long they were with the narcissist and how deeply entrenched they were in that lifestyle.

On the other hand, those who have left a narcissist will often find themselves dealing with guilt or regret over things that happened during their relationship.


Why Empaths Are Attracted To Narcissists 


Empaths and narcissists are two sides of the same coin.

Empaths, or people with a high level of empathy for others, are naturally drawn to narcissists due to their strong personalities and seeming charm.

On the other hand, narcissists may be attracted to empaths because they provide an opportunity for them to receive attention and admiration.

The interdependence between empaths and narcissists is complex yet fascinating – one needs what the other has in order for both parties to benefit from the relationship.

For example, an empath might feel seen and appreciated by a narcissistic partner who gives them compliments; meanwhile, the narcissist enjoys feeling as if they have a devoted admirer.

The mutual need also allows each person to learn something about themselves that they would otherwise not discover on their own.


What Happens When An Empath Marries A Narcissist


When an empath marries a narcissist, the results can be heartbreaking.

An empath is someone who has an innate ability to feel deeply and understand the emotions of those around them.

A narcissist, however, is someone who only cares about themselves and their own feelings; they often lack empathy for others.

The combination of these two personalities can create a toxic relationship dynamic that can lead to a number of negative outcomes.

For starters, the lack of empathy from the narcissist coupled with the intense need for understanding from the empath creates an almost unbearable tension in this type of marriage.

The empath will constantly be searching for validation from their partner but rarely receive it which leads to feelings of loneliness and depression.

The narcissist’s expectations to be constantly praised and admired puts immense pressure on the empath which can cause them physical and emotional exhaustion just trying to keep up with all their demands.


Dark Empath vs Narcissist


Empaths and narcissists are two distinct personality types that often clash when they come in contact.

An empath is someone who feels the emotions of those around them, while a narcissist is someone who is overly self-involved and has an excessive need for admiration.

Understanding the differences between a dark empath and a narcissist can help you navigate relationships with people of both types.

The main difference between a dark empath and a narcissist lies in their motivations.

A dark empath tends to act out of genuine concern for others, while a narcissist’s actions are driven by their own selfish needs.

Whereas an empathetic person will put other people’s feelings before their own, a narcissistic individual will usually do whatever serves them best without considering how it may affect others.


Empath Narcissist And Other Personality Types


Personality types are the numerous ways in which people express themselves and interact with others.

From extroverts to introverts, there is a wide range of distinct personalities that individuals may identify with.

Two such personality types are empath narcissists and other related personality variations.

An empath narcissist has one foot firmly rooted in both worlds, as they display traits from both an emotional empath and a narcissistic individual.

Generally speaking, this type of person will have a heightened sense of empathy for those around them due to their emotional intelligence and deep understanding of the feelings of other people.

Conversely, they will also exhibit signs of narcissism by focusing on self-gratification or seeking attention from those in their environment.

Other related personality variations include codependents, histrionics, and borderline personalities all have certain characteristics which manifest in different ways depending upon the person’s individual circumstances.


Can An Empath Be A Narcissist?


Introspection, self-reflection, and understanding ones self are all important aspects of living a healthy life.

One’s personality can be made up of many different traits, and it is possible to have opposing traits present at the same time.

An empath is someone who feels emotions deeply and often puts others’ well-being ahead of their own; they often have an innate ability to understand another person’s emotional state even before they express it themselves.

On the other hand, a narcissist is typically driven by ego, with little consideration for others around them – they value social status over meaningful relationships.


Empath And Narcissist Breakup


When an empath and a narcissist enter into a relationship, it can often be tumultuous.

This type of pairing is bound to end in heartbreak due to the two individuals’ differing needs and outlooks on life.

Those who have experienced an empath and narcissist breakup know how difficult it can be for both parties involved.

The empath often feels taken advantage of by the narcissistic partner as they are not able to fulfill their need for appreciation and validation.

As such, the empath finds themselves constantly feeling drained from all the energy they put into trying to make things work with their narcissistic partner.

On the other hand, the narcissist may struggle with feelings of abandonment once the sense of security that comes from having someone devoted entirely to them has been taken away.


How Narcissists Destroy Empaths?


Narcissists can be a force of destruction in the life of an empath.

An empath is someone who has a heightened sensitivity to the emotions and needs of others, often to their own detriment.

This makes them vulnerable to manipulation and exploitation by narcissists, as narcissists tend to lack empathy for others and seek only their own gain.

The effects that narcissists have on empaths are far-reaching and can be devastating, but there are ways for an empath to protect themselves from this destructive behavior.

One way that narcissists target empaths is through psychological manipulation.

They use tactics such as gaslighting and coercive control in order to gain power over their victims and make them feel helpless.


Narcissist Obsessed With Empath


Narcissists are known to be obsessed with power, control, and manipulation.

But what happens when they become obsessed with an empath?

It’s a difficult situation that can be hard to navigate for both the narcissist and the empath.

An empath is someone who is highly attuned to other people’s emotions and feelings.

Narcissists are attracted to them because of their ability to read people easily; however, it can lead to an unhealthy dynamic where the narcissist manipulates or controls their partner in order to get what they want.

This type of obsession can have damaging effects on both parties involved and cause the relationship to become toxic fairly quickly.

The best way for an empath to protect themselves from a narcissistic partner is by setting clear boundaries at the beginning of any relationship so that their needs are respected.


Why Do Narcissists Go After Empaths?


Narcissists and empaths share many common traits and qualities, yet the way they use them differs immensely.

Narcissists can be drawn to empaths for their ability to sense other people’s emotions and feelings, as well as their compassionate and nurturing nature.

But why do narcissists go after empaths in particular?

Being around an empath often leads a narcissist to feel more powerful, which is something they crave.

The empathy that comes with being an empath also helps the narcissist manipulate them into doing what they want by evoking guilt or pity.

In addition, an empath’s natural inclination towards deep emotional attachments creates an ideal target for a narcissistic individual seeking validation or admiration.


Narcissists Who Think They Are Empaths


Narcissists are known to be selfish and self-absorbed, but what if they think they’re actually empaths?

Narcissists who believe they are empaths can be a complex phenomenon.

Referred to as ‘narcissistic empathic’, this type of narcissist believes they understand the emotions and feelings of others, when in fact, their view is skewed by their own egocentric behavior.

The narcissistic empathic believes that because of their ability to sense the emotions of others and put themselves in someone else’s shoes, absolves them from any responsibility for the consequences of their behavior.

They have a tendency to manipulate people into believing that whatever situation arises is out of love or for someone else’s benefit rather than any personal gain.


Tips For Empaths Wanting To Leave A Narcissist 


For those who are extremely sensitive to the emotions of others and find themselves in a relationship with a narcissist, leaving can be an arduous task.

Empaths are highly intuitive and often take on the feelings and experiences of their partner, making it difficult to disentangle from a narcissistic relationship.

However, there are some tips that can help empaths successfully leave a narcissist.

First, it is important that empaths recognize the signs of narcissistic behavior so they can make an informed decision about their relationship.

These behaviors include excessive self-absorption, lack of empathy for others, grandiose sense of self-importance, and unrealistic expectations or demands on their partner.

It is also helpful for empaths to set boundaries in order to protect themselves from further manipulation or abuse by the narcissist.


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