Violet Flame Prayer


Praying with the Violet Flame can help to transform all areas of your life.

This powerful energy can change the way you think, feel and act, and help you to create more positive experiences in your life.

The Violet Flame is a unique energy that can be used for healing, protection, and transformation. It is a powerful tool that can help you to create positive change in your life.

When you pray with the Violet Flame, you are tapping into a powerful source of energy that can help you to heal old wounds, release negative patterns and create positive change in your life.


Violet Flame Prayer Of Protection


In these difficult and challenging times, it is more important than ever to call on the powerful protection of the Violet Flame.

This sacred fire of transformation can help us to release fear, anxiety, and worry, and feel surrounded by a bubble of light and love.

The Violet Flame Prayer of Protection is a simple but potent way to invoke this powerful energy.

Just a few minutes spent in prayer each day can make a big difference in our lives.


Here is the Violet Flame Prayer of Protection:

“I am surrounded by the protective energy of the Violet Flame.

I release all fear, anxiety, and worry into this flame, knowing that I am safe and loved.

I am bathed in the light of God and the Angel’s love and protection from all harm.

I am grateful for this powerful protection.



Invoke The Violet Flame


First, you need to set your intention to invoke the Divine violet flame that is of good and is of God.

This can be done by simply holding the intention in your mind or by saying it out loud.

Next, call on the violet flame by saying its name three times.

You can also visualize the violet flame as a purifying fire that surrounds you and burns away any negative energy.

Finally, give thanks for the gift of the violet flame and how it is helping you to create positive change in your life.


Twin Flame Violet Flame Prayer


When you think of your Twin Flame, do you see them as an extension of yourself?

Do you feel a deep connection to them that goes beyond the physical?

If so, then you may be wondering if there is a way to strengthen that connection.

One way to do this is through prayer.

By using a Violet Flame Prayer, you can send love and light to your Twin Flame, creating a deeper connection between you both.

The Violet Flame is a powerful tool for transformation. It can help us to release old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve us.

Then we pray with the intention of sending love and light to our Twin Flame, we are opening up the possibility for positive change in our relationship.

This prayer is a wonderful way to set that intention, and it also has the potential to bring peace, love, and healing into your life.


How To Do A Violet Flame Prayer For Your Twin Flame


To do this Violet Flame prayer, you will first want to center yourself.

Meditate, take a few deep breaths, or go for a walk in nature.

Do whatever it is that allows you to feel calm and centered.

Once you are ready, begin by closing your eyes and visualizing your Twin Flame standing before you. See them as clearly as you can.

See their face, their body language, and their aura. It is important that you see your Twin Flame with your third eye.

The third eye is located between your eyes, above and between your eyebrows.

See your Twin Flame standing in front of you, and see the Violet Flame surrounding them.

See it flowing from your heart into the heart of your Twin.

Continue to visualize the violet flame flowing between you and your Twin for as long as you wish.

After you have visualized the violet flame for a couple of minutes, now see it flowing into your heart and then back out again.

Now visualize the flame flowing from your Twin’s heart back to yours.

Continue to do this until you feel an energy shift within yourself.

This is what you will feel when you have reached a state of unconditional love.

I have also found that when you mix the violet flame with your own frequency, it helps you to feel more at peace with yourself and the world around you.


Connect To The Violet Flame


The Violet Flame is a powerful tool that can be used for transformation.

It is high-frequency energy that can raise your vibration and assist you in clearing away negative energy.

The Violet Flame can also be used to help manifest your desires.

If you are seeking to connect with the Violet Flame, there are a few things you can do.

First, it is important to set the intention to connect with this energy.

Once you have done so, visualize the Violet Flame all around you and allow it to enter your crown chakra (asking for protection first from Archangel Michael).

You may also want to recite affirmations or mantras associated with the Violet Flame.

Some examples include “I am surrounded by Divine Love”

Or, “I am purified by the Violet Flame”.

Regularly connecting with the Violet Flame can help you to create lasting positive change in your life.

Placing a picture of Archangel Michael in your home can help to create a connection with the Violet Flame.

You may also want to work with the violet ray crystals (amethyst, lapis lazuli, kunzite, and sodalite).


Violet Flame Affirmations


The Violet Flame is a powerful tool that can help you to transform your life.

These affirmations can help you to harness the power of the Violet Flame and create positive change in your life as yourself in the violet flame:

“I am worthy of love and respect.”

“I am surrounded by an aura of protection.”

“I am safe.”

“I release all fear and worry.”

“I am at peace with myself and others.”

“I forgive myself and others.”

“I am filled with Divine Love and Light.


Holy Fire Violet Flame Prayer For Cleansing


The Violet Flame is a powerful tool that can be used for cleansing and healing on all levels.

It is the highest frequency of light in the visible spectrum and can penetrate even the darkest places.

When we pray with the Violet Flame, we are asking for its assistance in transmuting any lower energies that may be present within us.

This could be anything from negative thoughts and emotions to physical toxins.

The prayer goes like this:

“I call upon the Holy Fire Violet Flame For Spiritual Cleansing now.

I ask it to transmute all lower level, dark, negative, or anything not for my highest and best good within or around me now.

Thank you.

And so it is.”


The Violet Flame is also said to have a high vibrational frequency that can help to raise our own vibration, leading to a more positive and joyful life experience.

If you feel called to work with the Violet Flame, there are many ways to do so.

You can visualize it surrounding you and your loved ones in protection, or imagine it flowing through your body, cleansing and purifying as it goes.


St. Germain Violet Flame Prayer


The St. Germain Violet Flame Prayer is a tool that can be used to help invoke the powerful violet flame of transformation.

This prayer can help to create positive change in our lives and in the world around us.

The violet flame is a spiritual energy that can be used to transmute negative energy into positive energy.

When we use the violet flame prayer, we are asking for assistance from the powerful spiritual being known as St. Germain.

St. Germain is known as the “Chohan of the Seventh Ray” and is a powerful Ascended Master who has been working with humanity for thousands of years.

He is known as the “Lord of Freedom” and he helps us to break free from any limitations that may be holding us back.

When we use the St. Germain violet flame prayer, we are asking for help to break free from any negative programming, limiting beliefs, or self-sabotaging behaviors that may be holding us back from living the life that we truly desire.

St. Germain is a master of the Law of Attraction.

He helps us to set clear intentions and then remove any limiting beliefs that may be getting in the way of the fulfillment of those intentions.

He is a powerful force behind the violet flame, which he uses to purify, transmute and transform all negative energy.


The St Germain Violet Flame Prayer:


“I AM the Presence of St. Germain. I AM the Violet Flame of St. Germain, the Purifying Flame.

I AM the Violet Flame of St. Germain, the Flame of Transmutation.

I AM the Violet Flame of St. Germain, the Flame of Divine Love.

I AM the Violet Flame of St. Germain, the Flame of Purity. I AM the Violet Flame of St. Germain, the Flame of Freedom.

I AM the Violet Flame of St. Germain, the Flame of Liberation. I AM the Violet Flame of St.

Germain, the Flame of Victory. I AM the Violet Flame of St. Germain, the Flame of Perfection.”


Violet Flame Protection Prayer


The Violet Flame is a unique form of Spiritual Energy that can help protect you from harm.

Here is a powerful Protection Prayer that can be used to invoke the Violet Flame around you:

“In the name of the Christ, I AM invoking the Violet Flame to surround me in its powerful protection.

I AM asking for the Holy Spirit’s Presence to fill me and guide me.

I AM releasing all, fear, worry, and doubt. I know that I am, safe, loved, and protected at all times.

Thank you. And so it is.”


St. Germain Healing Prayer


When you are in need of healing, there is no better prayer to turn to than the St. Germain Healing Prayer.

This powerful prayer has been known to bring about miraculous healing, both physical and spiritual.

If you are seeking healing for yourself or for someone you love, simply recite the following prayer:

“Beloved I AM Presence of God, I call to thee for thy assistance and healing power.

I AM surrounded by thy holy Angels and ask that you fill me with your love and light.

I AM open and receptive to all the blessings coming my way.

I know you are always with me and that your love is infinite.

Thank you for the healing blessings, now and always.



Violet Fire Prayer


The Violet Fire Prayer is one of the most powerful prayers in the world. It is said to be able to transform negative energy into positive energy and to help manifest our deepest desires.

The Violet Fire Prayer is simple:

“I AM a being of violet fire.

I AM the purity of my Higher Self.

I AM willing to let go of all that no longer serves me.

I AM ready to step into my power.

I AM grateful for all that I have been given.

I AM open to receiving all that I desire.

I now release this prayer into the Universe, knowing that it will be answered in perfect timing and in perfect ways.”


Prayer Of The Violet Flame


The Violet Flame is one of the most powerful tools we have for spiritual transformation.

It is a tool that can help us to let go of old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve us and open up to new possibilities.

The Violet Flame is a high-frequency energy that can be used to transmute negative energy into positive energy.

It is a tool that can be used for healing on all levels – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

When we use the Violet Flame in our prayers, we are opening ourselves up to divine guidance and support.

We are asking for help in letting go of what no longer serves us, and in creating space for something new and better.




In conclusion, the violet flame is a powerful tool that can help us to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals.

It is a symbol of hope and transformation, and it is available to us all.

We can use it to purify our own minds and hearts and to help create a world that is more loving and compassionate.


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May you remember how Divine you truly are!

In Love & Grace,

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