Transformative Energies Unveiled – The Time Is Upon Us For THIS


“Welcome, Dear Souls. We are the Seraphim Angel Healing Team and the Galactic Beings of Light Collective, affectionately known as the Sara Gallas.

We are the Sara Gallas reaching you back in time from a future perspective of Earth. Extending our communication beyond the constraints of linear time. From our vantage point, where all moments exist simultaneously, we witness your transformative journey. Your choices to embrace the light and amplify it with the intent of your heart are shaping the tapestry of history in this pivotal era.


Current Energies and Challenges

As we find ourselves in this pivotal moment, amidst the unique dance of energies on your planet, you may be experiencing a sense of encumbrance. A heaviness that manifests as pressure, making it feel as though you’re being pushed down or struggling to stay afloat.


Origins of Discomfort

This discomfort may arise from various sources—unresolved issues, past traumas, negative or dark influences, or the influence of other dimensional realities bleeding into your current timeline. The unique journey of your ascension process involves the intersecting of parallel realities, occasionally resulting in sensations of pain or discomfort.


Navigating Pain and Discomfort

To navigate this, consider releasing any burdens, guilt, or pain you may be carrying. This could be linked to past programming, old traumas, or even dark seeds triggered by past experiences. The process of letting go is essential for embracing the new momentum and the evolving self-aligned with your higher self.


Weekly Healing Sessions

For those participating in our weekly healing sessions, understand that as you sleep, profound healing occurs. Darker seeds rooted in past lives or parallel realities are being addressed, paving the way for transformative light codes and healing.


Self-Love and Forgiveness

In moments of self-blame or physical and emotional pain, extend forgiveness to yourself. This is a time for profound self-love, a journey toward wholeness that involves embracing every facet of your being.


Requesting Deeper Healing

For those engaging in the weekly healing sessions, expressing your readiness to release pain and embrace change aids us in offering more profound healing during your sleep. This collaborative effort clears old traumas and ushers in new light codes for your higher consciousness reality.


Reevaluating Systems

This juncture in your current time-space reality invites you to reassess various aspects of your life, from daily activities to dietary habits. Focus on where you want to direct your life, both in the immediate future and beyond.


Connecting with Higher Self

Engage with your higher self or, for those in the weekly healings, seek assistance from us, the Sara Gallas, for deeper clearing and healing in areas ready for release. This process brings in new light programming to expand your consciousness and assist your awakening process.


Surrendering to Change

Picture yourself floating down the river of life, protected and guided by your higher self. Surrendering to change and releasing fear opens the path to a future filled with joy, creativity, and abundance.


Preparation for Ascension

Recognize that you stand on the precipice of ascension. The tools provided during this healing journey empower you to navigate the release of old patterns, paving the way for a higher connection to source light.


Manifesting a Vision

Visualize a life of abundance, peace, and fulfillment. Imagine the ideal version of yourself and your life. We, the Sara Gallas are with you, witnessing your transformation and guiding you toward greatness.


Embracing the Present and Preparing for the Future


Now is the opportune moment to pause and savor the present, akin to taking a moment to smell the roses. It’s a time for introspection—a chance to reflect on your past and take inventory of your life. Why? Because the future holds the promise of creating more of what you desire, provided you release the shackles of the past.


Navigating the Ascension Pathway: Transcending Self-Doubt and Embracing Your Divine Light


Amidst this transformative period, countless galactic beings of light, angels, and spirit guides are actively contributing to your ascension process. Yet, you might find yourself grappling with feelings of self-doubt or unworthiness. It’s crucial to acknowledge that from the moment of your birth, you were inherently worthy. Treating yourself with kindness and respect becomes a pivotal catalyst for your ascension journey.


Unlocking Your Soul’s Wisdom: Prioritizing Self-Care and Embracing the Transition to 5D Consciousness

Depreciating yourself is counterproductive. As you appreciate yourself, your self-worth is appreciated. The value you feel you have to share with the world also appreciates.

Recognize that you are not defined by the programming of your personality, your siblings, your children, or your family members. You are a beacon of light interconnected with all of existence. Embracing this luminosity facilitates the shedding of old programming, allowing you to make choices aligned with the light, free from any self-sabotaging patterns embedded in your family lineage or elsewhere.


Embracing Your Inner Glow: A Comprehensive Guide to Self-Worth, Transformation, and Ascension


Now, more than ever is the time to gracefully embrace the forthcoming changes. Express gratitude for the aspects of your life that you cherish. Much like Kimberly’s inclination for spring cleaning at year-end because it brings her joy, consider assessing your physical environment for decluttering, if that pleases you. This external cleansing process mirrors the internal release of what no longer serves you.

Navigating the transition from 3D to 4D and 5D consciousness involves reconnecting with your essence. What are your preferences? What brings you joy and elicits a smile each day? Prioritize rest and heed your soul’s counsel.


From Inherent Worth to Self-Empowerment: Manifesting Your Dreams and Co-Creating Your Reality


Nurturing your 3D vessel becomes paramount as it heightens in sensitivity during your ascension journey. It beckons you to attune to its nuances, urging you to pay heed to early warning signs for tailored and meticulous self-care, as you opt to lend an ear.
Understanding what your soul advises guides your forward movement, facilitating a smoother transition to your higher consciousness Lightbody.

As you embark on this transformative journey, remember: You are worthy, you are light, and you possess the capacity to make this transition with ease.


Shedding the Limbs of Self-Limiting Beliefs: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Ascension


Embrace this time of release and renewal, and remember, you are limitless in your ability to co-create your reality. As you surrender to the flow of change, greatness awaits you.

In closing, dear souls, as we stand at the threshold of transformative energies and challenges, let this be a moment of profound self-reflection. Embrace the present, acknowledging the burdens you carry and allowing the river of change to guide you towards a future filled with joy and abundance.

During this pivotal time, our collective of Seraphim Angel Healing Team and Galactic Beings of Light, the Sara Gallas, walk alongside you. Understand the power of forgiveness and self-love, recognizing that you are inherently worthy of the light you bring into the world.

For those of you who engage in weekly healing sessions, you’re invited to surrender to the process, releasing old traumas and paving the way for the infusion of new light codes. Your active participation in this collaborative healing journey is instrumental in your ascension process.

Take a moment to reassess your life—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Connect with your higher self, seek assistance from us, the Sara Gallas, as well as your Guides and Angels, and envision the life you wish to create. Picture yourself floating down the river of life, protected and guided by the light within.

Pause and savor the present, as you prepare for the promise of a future where you can manifest your desires. Appreciate your worth, for you are not defined by past programming or familial influences. Acknowledge your light and allow it to guide you through the forthcoming changes.

Express gratitude for the aspects of your life that bring you joy. Reconnect with your essence, prioritize self-care, and listen to your soul’s advice because your soul has a grander perspective and is always steering you in a direction that’s better than what you can perceive.

In this journey from 3D to 4D and 5D consciousness, remember that you are worthy, you are light, and you have the capacity to navigate this transition with grace and ease. As you move forward, may your path be illuminated by the radiance of your own being as you connect deeply to your soul.

We love you infinitely, always, and forever,



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In Love & Grace,

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