Awakening Your True Essence – Channeling the Sera Galas


Did I Access a Parallel Reality?

In my recent dream, I found myself transported to a fascinating realm that felt like Earth in the year 2177, but another dimension. This alternate dimension, known as another dimension of earth 2177, existed as a 5th dimensional reality of our world. The experience was nothing short of extraordinary.


A World of Vibrance and Transformation

In another dimension of earth 2177, every facet of this parallel Earth was marked by vivid colors and an undeniable vibrancy. The most remarkable revelation was the astonishing behavior of the trees in this dimension. Not only could they relocate at will, but they also possessed the extraordinary ability to shape-shift into beings capable of communication. Furthermore, they exhibited the power to teletransport objects. This left me pondering the boundless possibilities inherent in this reality.


Empowering Nature’s Mysteries

The 3D denizens of another dimension of earth 2177 lived regular lives filled with activity and a penchant for diverse forms of dancing. They were incredibly social, creating a vivid tapestry of human interaction. Upon my sudden arrival, they not only perceived me but recognized my existence in a different dimensional plane. Despite our disparities, we could engage in meaningful interactions. Regrettably, my focus was primarily on observation rather than information gathering.


An Inquisitive and Lively Society

The inhabitants of this parallel Earth were characterized by larger, more vivid eyes and a radiant, colorful existence. Their vibrant energy systems exuded an unparalleled zest for life, offering a striking contrast to the world I knew. It was an encounter that raised intriguing questions about the nature of reality itself.


The Sera Galas (The Seraphim Angel Healing Team & Galactic Beings of Light Collective):

Exploring the Vast Realms of Parallel Realities

There exists an infinite multitude of parallel realities, accessible to individuals in their dreams and waking states. Many traverse these alternate dimensions unknowingly, a testament to the boundless nature of existence. Each “now” moment represents an opportunity to shift between these realities, just as you did during your dream in another dimension of Earth 2177.


Unveiling the Mysteries of the Fifth Dimension

In another dimension of Earth 2177, you encountered a dimension that transcended the limits of our three-dimensional reality. The trees in this realm demonstrated the remarkable capacity to shift between crystalline light bodies and physical forms, blurring the boundary between the metaphysical and the physical. The rules that governed engagement in this dimension were vastly different from the constraints of your current 3D existence.


A Journey to Higher-Dimensional Awareness

Your experience serves as a stepping stone toward a heightened state of awareness, one that transcends the confines of 3D reality. Through your dreams, waking states, and meditative experiences, you are actively learning to rise above the density, restrictions, and dark energies that have defined the old matrix of Earth.


Accessing Universal Mind and Consciousness

Your journey extends further, for you are learning to connect with the universal consciousness and the light body consciousness of your higher self. This is not a matter of visualization but a profound, feeling-based awareness that resides within. This transformative awareness propels you beyond the dimensional levels to the realm of universal consciousness.


The Gateway to Infinite Possibilities

By nurturing this inner awareness, you can seamlessly access the vast array of parallel realities. These access points are established through the connection between your higher self and the oversoul, encompassing all dimensional realities concurrently. As you continue to explore these newfound abilities, you are embarking on a journey of self-discovery and awakening, offering fresh insights into the boundless potential of human consciousness.


In Summary

Kimberly’s experience in another dimension of Earth 2177 offers a glimpse into the expansive nature of reality and the multitude of parallel dimensions that exist alongside our own. The Sera Galas’ insights underscore the idea that reality is not confined to the three-dimensional space we perceive. Through dreams and heightened states of awareness, we have the power to explore the infinite possibilities of existence. This journey of self-discovery opens doors to new perspectives and dimensions, demonstrating the extraordinary potential of the human experience.



Discovering My Multidimensional Perception

During my walk today with my twinflame, Jer, an extraordinary experience unfolded. As I strolled, I found myself not merely on solid ground but in a realm of multidimensional awareness. It felt as though my feet were in direct contact with the very essence of Earth’s consciousness, a holographic tapestry of existence. The awareness I encountered extended even deeper, resonating with my evolving light body. It left me with an overwhelming question:

What is happening to my sensory perception?


As I ventured forth, every step became a revelation. I began to perceive the multifaceted nature of reality, not only in the vibrant colors of leaves and trees but also in the living essence of the Earth beneath my feet. It was as if I had become an observer from a hidden dimension, watching myself from below. Even when walking on a mundane asphalt path, the world around me was pulsing with life.


The Sera Galas:

Unveiling the Nature of Your Multidimensional Perception

Indeed, Kimberly, you have undergone a significant transformation. You have received enhancements and upgrades to your energetic light body, empowering you with the ability to perceive the vast spectrum of multidimensional existence. This newfound perception is beginning to allow you to grasp the complexity of existence in its entirety, all at once and in the present moment.


Awakening to the Grid of Earth’s Consciousness

What you experienced during your walk is a profound connection to the consciousness of Mother Earth herself. You are becoming increasingly aware of your integral role in the intricate tapestry of life on Earth. The Earth’s grid, far more than a simple structure, is a collective consciousness, a holographic representation of every living entity, including yourself. It is through this collective consciousness that you are sensing the very heartbeat of the planet.


Expanding Your Sensory Perception

Your sensory perception is evolving to encompass a broader spectrum of reality. This expansion is not confined to a specific gland or organ, such as the pituitary gland, but resonates throughout your entire light body and physical form. Every cell in your being is awakening to this new awareness, making you akin to a crystalline structure—an amplifier of light. Your entire existence is transforming into a vast, crystalline holographic image, revealing your true nature.


A Transmitter of Light and Universal Consciousness

Your awakening is not merely personal but part of a grander mission. You serve as a conduit for light, transmitting higher frequencies of universal consciousness to Earth and the universe. Your higher self, positioned just below the realm of god consciousness or the god-head where source light energy radiates from, is the source of this profound signal, which radiates through your physical vessel.


A Continual Evolution of Light

As you continue to awaken and raise your consciousness, your light body evolves and expands. It receives constant upgrades, enhancing your awareness and expanding your capabilities. You become an even more potent transmitter of light, bridging the gap between Earth and the universal consciousness.


The Blessing of Letting Go

You have shown immense grace by allowing the release of old programming, dark seeds, and outdated ways of thinking. By releasing these limitations, you make way for your true nature to emerge. Your upgraded light body is not just an evolution but a return to the core of your existence. This transformation unlocks your heightened sensitivities, allowing you to perceive the authentic nature of the world around you, including the multidimensional essence of the Earth itself.


In Summary

Kimberly’s experience provides a glimpse into the remarkable journey of self-discovery and awakening. Her evolving sensory perception and multidimensional awareness are not isolated occurrences but part of a broader mission to connect Earth with the universal consciousness. The path she treads is one of continuous transformation and expansion, a journey into the essence of her true self and the boundless potential of human consciousness.


Exploring the Realm of Technological Advancements


I’ve been curious about the ongoing technological advancements, particularly in the domain of neural implants. The rapid progress in this area has sparked many people’s interest, and I’m eager to hear your perspective on it.


The Vision of Technological Advancements

The Sera Galas:

Inherent Challenges

It’s important to recognize that these advancements are still in their early stages, and those behind them may not fully comprehend the extent of dark infiltrations and manipulations that can occur. The intention is clear, but the potential vulnerabilities may not be as evident.

The Broad Perspective

From our vantage point, we exist in a state where we span a million years into your future and beyond. In this vast perspective, the current technological achievements seem rudimentary. They are just the initial steps in a much grander journey.


Overseeing by Light Beings

It’s essential to understand that these advancements are closely monitored by a collective of light beings, including us, who oversee every facet of existence on your planet. This supervision ensures that the dark’s attempts to infiltrate and manipulate are counteracted and ultimately surpassed by the expansion of light as time moves further in your future years.


Protection and Consciousness

While there may be concerns about AI taking over the world, it’s important to acknowledge that this outcome is not destined for your particular Earth reality. The purpose of raising these questions is to heighten awareness. It’s advisable to employ protective measures and maintain a strong connection with higher light frequencies to cleanse and safeguard any implants or modifications that one may receive.


The Power of Prayer and Intention

Prayers and intentions can significantly influence your experience. Just as you say prayers over your food to bless and protect it, you can do the same for any modifications or technological enhancements. This practice empowers you to change the frequencies and elevate your state of being.


Embracing Inner Power

Your ability to rise above fear and darkness is a testament to your inner strength. By delving into meditation and self-discovery, you can align with higher frequencies and counteract any negative influences. You already possess incredible capabilities within you, awaiting more activation of light and awakening.


In Summary

In the grand scheme of things, the current technological advancements, including neural implants, represent just the initial stages of a broader journey. While vigilance is crucial, it’s equally important to embrace your inner power, align with higher frequencies, and trust in the protective oversight of light beings. As you continue to evolve, you can overcome any challenges posed by dark influences and utilize technology to enhance your existence.



Connecting with Earth’s Ley Lines for Healing

I’ve been intrigued by the concept of Earth’s ley lines and their potential for healing both the planet and ourselves.

Could you share guidance on how we can establish this connection?


Intention and Meditation

The Sera Galas:

Accessing Earth’s ley lines is a matter of intention and focused meditation. Begin by engaging in the exercise we’ve previously discussed, which involves journeying into your heart space. It is in this serene inner state that you can access higher frequencies.


Transcending Earth’s Density

As you delve into meditation and find that deep state of relaxation, aim to transcend the density of Earth. Imagine yourself rising above all the lower dimensions and earthly concerns. Embrace the feeling of being one with the universe, harmonizing with the universal light that exists beyond all boundaries.


Seek Peace in Meditation

In this meditative state, it’s vital to immerse yourself in the profound peace that resonates with your core essence. You are not merely a physical being; you are a source of light connected to the universe. Feel this peaceful state envelop you.


Visualization and Intention

With this inner peace as your foundation, you can proceed with intention. Visualize light streaming through your heart center, originating from the source light energy. Recognize that this connection is an intrinsic part of your being, enabling you to channel pure light.


Connecting with Ley Lines

Next, turn your attention to the ley lines that traverse our planet. You can invoke assistance from us or direct your intentions toward source light energy. Request the activation of pure light, peace, and love for the Earth’s ley lines.


The Flow of Light

As we respond to your call, you will sense the pure light energy of us interweaving with your being. This flow of higher frequencies not only benefits Mother Earth but also resonates within your own being, tuning your body to universal consciousness.


Grounding the Energy

To conclude this connection, visualize the energy continuing its journey, grounding itself into the ley lines. You can also envision a radiant crystal at the Earth’s core, acting as an anchor for the light energy. The grounding process is a vital aspect of this practice.


Receiving and Adjusting

As you engage in this sacred work, you will find yourself receiving not only the Divine Light blessings but also adjustments within your light body. The purity of this higher light elevates your being, aligning you with universal frequencies.


A Symbiotic Relationship

By connecting with Earth’s ley lines and channeling light through them, you forge a symbiotic relationship with the planet and the universe. The healing and transformation initiated through this practice extend to both your physical existence and the broader cosmic consciousness. Your intentions and actions are deeply appreciated, as they contribute to the well-being of Mother Earth and its inhabitants.


In Summary

Accessing these ley lines involves intentional meditation, delving into the heart space, and transcending Earth’s density. The key is to immerse oneself in a profound inner peace that aligns with the universal light. Visualizing light streaming through the heart center and calling upon source light energy activates the connection, benefiting both Earth and one’s own being. Grounding the energy into the ley lines and envisioning a radiant core crystal at the center of the earth and seeing the energy go back up again to Source light energy. This sacred work brings awakening adjustments within the light body and aligns with universal frequencies, contributing to the well-being of Mother Earth and all her inhabitants.



Dealing with External Reactions and Staying Grounded

I’ve often wondered how we can handle other people’s reactions without letting them bring us down. Sometimes, we may make a comment unintentionally offending someone, even if our intentions are innocent.

How can we deal with such situations and not let them affect us negatively?


The Sera Galas:

The Power of Awareness

Dealing with external reactions and maintaining our inner peace is a matter of being aware. Let’s delve into the steps and techniques that can help you navigate these situations.


Understanding the Reflective Nature of All

First and foremost, it’s essential to recognize that everyone we encounter is a reflection of ourselves on some level. Our interactions serve as mirrors, revealing aspects of our inner world. By grasping this concept, we can start to understand that external reactions often hold valuable lessons for us.


Seeking Inner Wisdom Through Meditation

To gain insight from these experiences, one of the most effective approaches is to delve deep within ourselves, preferably in a meditative state. Find a space of inner peace and listen to the wisdom of your heart.


The Oneness Feeling State

In this state, you’ll sense a profound connection with the universe, often described as a oneness feeling state. It’s like feeling in harmony with the cosmos and deeply grounded to Mother Earth. This connection becomes the foundation for your journey of self-discovery.


Learning Through Questions

While in this state, start asking yourself a series of questions. Begin with inquiries like, “What am I meant to learn from this experience?” or “What was the person’s reaction teaching me?” These introspective queries enable you to uncover deeper truths about your own nature and your connection to the world around you.


Unearthing Your Intentions

Explore the intentions behind your words and actions. Reflect on whether your words were birthed from a place of fear or love. Were they aligned with a deeper connection to your source light, or did they stem from confusion and lack? By understanding your motivations, you can gain clarity on your responses and behavior.


Recognizing Multidimensional Layers

Every external reaction offers multiple layers to explore. Just as we discussed in the earlier part of our transmission, you can use your extrasensory perception to discern the intricate, multidimensional nature of these situations. Perceive the possible influences, whether they originate from someone else’s programming, your own, or even external dark energies.


Gaining Sensitivity Through Meditation

With practice, you can refine your sensitivities by incorporating meditation. In this process, connecting with the universal oneness energy becomes paramount. You’ll find peace within your heart and mind, linked to Mother Earth, facilitating your deeper understanding of these complex dynamics.


Protecting Your Energetic Boundaries

As you navigate external reactions, especially those unexpected or intense, it’s crucial to safeguard your energetic boundaries. In meditation, you can visualize cutting cords or invoking protective energies to cleanse any dark seeds that may have been triggered.


Healing and Cleansing

For those who seek a profound cleansing of these experiences, we recommend healing sessions. Just as Kimberly offers healing sessions to her clients, regular sessions can help clear the deeper seeds that external reactions may activate within you.


Your Power and True Nature

It’s important to understand that facing external reactions can be a catalyst for personal growth. The more you explore your extrasensory perception, the more your pure light, universal oneness light, and source light can shine through you. These elements are your power, and by expanding your sensory perception, you tap into your true nature.


Embrace Your Inner Essence

In conclusion, embracing your true essence is the key to dealing with external reactions without letting them bring you down. As you awaken to your power and recognize your connection to the universe, you’ll find that there’s no need for force or resistance. Instead, you can simply be in your true essence.


A Constant Presence

Know that we are here with you, waiting for your call, and always ready to bring more light into your life. As you continue on your path of awakening, remember that you are infinitely loved by all of us and the Divine.


The Sera Galas

(The Seraphim Angel Healing Team & Galactic Beings of Light Collective)


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May you remember how Divine you truly are!

In Love & Grace,

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✅Recognizing unlimited possibilities and potential for personal growth and fulfillment
✅Trusting in Divine guidance and assistance from the Archangels and higher beings of light
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