
Happy Mother’s Day – Channeled Messages From The Angels & Archangels For You…

Happy Mother’s Day!!! …

May your day and week be filled with love, peace, joy and many Angel blessings! …

Enjoy the Mother’s day channeled messages in this video…

Your Archangel Message…

Message from Archangel Michael: 

“You facing your fears head on helps us integrate those aspects of yourself that have been hurt in the past (even past lives) into wholeness again. Some run in circles their entire lives as they avoid facing their deepest fears. Those parts of yourself may be trying to protect others parts of self; this is very normal. Asking any of the Archangels (including myself) to help you face your fears and integrate parts of yourself that may be scared and disconnected from the larger part of you (who always knows you are taken care of) brings clarity, peace and connection to you and the world at large. As you allow all parts of self to integrate into wholeness again others can do this too through your example of self love.”


Here’s a question for you I’d love to hear your feedback on in the comments below.

  • What challenges or frustrations have you faced recently with feeling good or your life in general?

I look forward to hearing from you in the comment section below.  What you have to share may help other’s who feel the same way you do.

May peace within your heart prevail and may you light the way for yourself and others so all can find their way back home.

In Love & Grace,

happy mother's day

PS Please send this to a friend if you feel they may benefit from it.  Thanks!  xoxo

happy mother's day