Unlocking the Power of the Crystal of Truth


What is the Crystal of Truth?


In a recent meditation session, I was granted a profound gift by the Seraphim Angel Healing team and the Galactic Beings of Light Collective, often referred to as the Sera Galas. This extraordinary gift came to me through the radiant embrace of the Golden Light, a divine conduit connecting us to the boundless energies of the Divine Source and our nurturing Mother Earth.


Unlocking the Potential


The “Crystal of Truth,” as I’ve come to know it, holds the key to unlocking profound insights in our 3D reality. This crystal was presented to me with the intention of peeling back the layers of illusion that often obscure our perception of the truth. Holding it before my third eye, I realized its potential as a tool for seeking clarity.


Gaining Clarity in 3D Reality


In meditation, I discovered that I could use the Crystal of Truth to discern the authenticity of elements in our 3D world. For instance, when contemplating whether a movie is worth watching or evaluating the intentions of a speaker or YouTube content creator, I found this crystal to be invaluable. By holding it up in front of a subject of interest, such as a YouTube speaker, I gained the ability to perceive the presence of dark overlays. These dark overlays, the influence of malevolent beings on Earth, are designed to send out frequencies and manipulate humanity.


Unveiling Hidden Truths


On a particular day, I intuitively focused on a well-known content creator who channels information. To my astonishment, the Sera Galas revealed a troubling truth. A dark being lurked behind her, tangling her with a belt around her waist. From her heart chakra, dark seeds radiated out towards her audience, weaving a web of dark hooks. What’s more, this dark entity, tethered to the time of Atlantis through multidimensional reality, because all time is simultaneous, had gained access to her without her conscious awareness. It aimed to feed off the energy of her listeners and cord them in. The enticement for the content creator lay in the allure of increased fame and fortune, satisfying her ego-driven desires. The Sera Galas indicated that she would ultimately comprehend this lesson for her soul’s growth, transcending the trappings of power, fame, and control that had led to her downfall in Atlantis.


Clearing the Path


In my experiences with the Sera Galas, I’ve witnessed their capacity for clearing and healing clients who’ve been triggered by dark energies from the content they consume or old emotional wounds. When exposed to material with dark overlays, this crystal becomes a valuable ally. The Sera Galas are adept at clearing the dark seeds triggered within the listeners. During healing sessions, they encourage us to specify our healing needs and the energies we sense, allowing for a deeper level of cleansing.


Transforming Fear into Freedom


I’m profoundly grateful for the assistance of the Sera Galas, as they enable my clients and me to receive clearing and healing from these darker triggers. The Sera Galas’ guidance and support extend to removing the burdens that dark energies impose on us.


Unmasking the Dark Matrix


In my explorations, I delved into the work of another individual, a whistleblower who has shed light on the dark Matrix programming orchestrated by malevolent beings on Earth. This person’s discoveries have been driven by noble intentions, aimed at awakening humanity to hidden realities. However, my investigation with the Crystal of Truth unveiled dark overlays on their material. It wasn’t a question of accuracy but rather the lack of protection and cleansing by a healing team, such as the Angels, the Sera Galas, or a galactic light team. As a result, their material, though very informative and jaw-dropping, carried the risk of transmitting fear frequencies to their audience, aligning with the dark agenda’s intention to maintain control through fear. However, this person is a good person and intends to be helpful to humanity.


Embracing the Lessons


The Sera Galas say that our being exposed to such material is not a bad thing because it allows the darker seeds to be triggered within our energy bodies to then be removed and cleared. Sometimes they can do the clearing and healings better when the dark seeds can grow slightly and come to the surface more.


Empowering Your Discernment


It’s essential to pay attention to your feelings after engaging with such material. Do you emerge feeling clear, connected, and informed, or does a sense of discomfort and heaviness linger? This highlights the significance of discerning the impact of the information you consume and the energies it carries.


Transforming Fear into Freedom


In another profound experience, I gained a fresh perspective by peering through the Crystal of Truth. On a particular evening, my significant other and I decided to watch the iconic movie, “The Matrix Resurrections.” I had just completed a deep meditation, leaving me in a highly elevated vibrational state. However, something intriguing happened as I delved into the film. Even though “The Matrix Resurrections” is not inherently terrifying, I could discern the presence of fear programming woven into the narrative. It struck me that this programming was embedded by Dark Force to lower the frequency of consciousness of those who viewed it.


Empowering Self-Awareness


I want to emphasize that recognizing fear programming should not evoke fear itself. Instead, it’s about being aware of how your own vibrational frequency can fluctuate and identifying the influences that may trigger these shifts. When your frequency drops, it’s essential not to internalize it by succumbing to old, limiting beliefs like feeling unworthy or inadequate. The dark forces behind these lower frequencies aim to perpetuate negative self-perceptions, trapping us in the illusion that we don’t deserve more, that life is bleak, or that we are powerless.


Shattering the Illusion


The key lies in understanding the external sources that may be responsible for these fear-induced shifts in your frequency. By doing so, you regain control and shatter the illusion. You realize that your worthiness remains intact, as you are perpetually connected to the divine source of light. This awareness empowers you to transform fear into freedom and embrace the truth that resides within your heart center. In essence, it liberates you from the illusion of unworthiness, revealing your true essence as a being eternally connected to the radiant light of the divine source.


Harnessing the Crystal of Truth


The Crystal of Truth has emerged as a potent tool to seek clarity and guidance in meditation. By holding it before your third eye and enlisting the support of your higher Light Team, higher self, or the Sera Galas, you can uncover the truth about individuals or subjects. Through practice, this crystal becomes a trusted companion in your quest for clarity.


Amplifying the Truth


The more you engage with the Crystal of Truth, the more proficient you become at amplifying the truth. This extraordinary tool has the power to cut through the veils of fear-based programs that obscure our reality, allowing us to perceive the hidden truths that elude the naked eye.


Unlocking Higher Consciousness


In meditation, you can also utilize the Crystal of Truth to ask probing questions, guiding you to identify and release limiting programs that hold you in lower frequency bands. Lower frequencies hinder spiritual awakening, while higher frequencies lead to a deeper connection and expanded consciousness.


Illuminating Insights


I’m excited to announce that the Crystal of Truth Meditation, channeled with the guidance of the Sera Galas, is now available. This meditation offers you a comprehensive guide to utilizing the Crystal of Truth in your personal journey of enlightenment. 


In Conclusion


In conclusion, the Crystal of Truth stands as a powerful instrument for connecting with higher consciousness and unraveling the truth concealed from what our eyes can physically see. By incorporating it into your meditations and daily life, you can tap into a wellspring of insights and dispel the distortions that may be obstructing your path to a more profound awakening.


The pursuit of truth is a transformative journey, and the Crystal of Truth, as your trusted companion, opens the door to boundless possibilities for personal growth and enlightenment. Through this remarkable crystal, we learn to cut through the veil of illusion and access profound wisdom that transcends our physical senses.


The Crystal of Truth can be employed in numerous ways, from opening the third eye to connecting with higher consciousness and expanding the heart chakra. By visualizing it within your heart, you allow the truth to flow more freely and recognize it with greater clarity. It becomes a vessel through which your innermost self communicates with the conscious mind.


As I followed my intuitive guidance, I’ve created a Crystal of Truth Meditation, guided by the Sera Galas. This meditation offers step-by-step instructions on utilizing the crystal’s power to expand your awareness and connect with hidden truths.


In Closing


The Crystal of Truth represents an extraordinary tool for shedding light on the hidden aspects of our reality. It empowers us to transcend the limitations of the material world and uncover the profound knowledge that lies just beyond our grasp. As you embrace the Crystal of Truth in your meditations and daily life, you embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment that knows no bounds.


May the Crystal of Truth be your guiding light, illuminating the path to higher consciousness and unveiling the secrets of the universe. With each revelation, you draw closer to a deeper understanding of your own existence and the broader tapestry of the cosmos.


In the end, the truth, once hidden, becomes a beacon guiding you toward a brighter, more awakened future. Embrace the Crystal of Truth, from the Divine Source Light itself, and embark on this extraordinary journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.


The Crystal of Truth is not just a crystal; it’s a gateway to the infinite wisdom of the universe, ready to be harnessed by those who seek the light of truth in their lives.




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May you remember how Divine you truly are!

In Love & Grace,

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