
Enhancing Your Intuition Through Good Gut Health: The Power of Trusting Your Second Brain

Enhancing Your Intuition Through Good Gut Health: The Power of Trusting Your Second Brain


Have you ever experienced a week where everything seems to go wrong, no matter how hard you try to prevent it?

It’s as if Murphy’s Law is in full effect, with one unfortunate event following another.


Coping with long COVID: How I Built Resilience with a Low-Carb Keto Diet and Intermittent Fasting

Enhancing Your Intuition Through Good Gut Health: The Power of Trusting Your Second Brain, Coping with long COVID: How I Built Resilience with a Low-Carb Keto Diet and Intermittent Fasting, Prioritizing Health Above All Else: My Experience with Long COVID and a Family Health Crisis, Protecting Yourself and Loved Ones from Negative Energy: The Importance of Energetic Clearing, Intuition and the Whispers of the Soul: Developing Your Inner Voice, The Seraphim Angel Healing Team: Providing Advanced Warnings and Healing for Traumatic Events, Gut-brain connection and intuition, How to improve your intuition, Benefits of a healthy gut for intuition, Second brain and intuition, Gut health and intuition, Developing intuition through diet, How diet affects intuition, Trusting your gut feeling, Intuition and good health, The link between gut health and intuition


As you may have read in my recent blog posts, I’ve been coping with the challenging symptoms of long COVID.

Unfortunately, in addition to this ongoing struggle, I’ve also had to deal with a family health crisis, intermittent website outages, and a painful incident where I hit my head on the garage door, causing inflammation in the back of my left neck.

Last year, I had a strong intuition that something significant might happen in February or March of 2023.

In fact, I even had dreams about a family health crisis a few weeks ago, which I shared with Jer.

While my higher self was preparing me for this event, I must admit that emotionally, I wasn’t fully prepared despite my efforts to use my intuition to anticipate what was coming.

I feel a profound sense of sadness over what has happened to my family member’s health.

It’s incredibly difficult to watch someone who is very close to you experience a sudden and unexpected health crisis.


Prioritizing Health Above All Else: My Experience with Long COVID and a Family Health Crisis


For the past couple of months, I’ve been dedicated to improving my own immune system in response to the long COVID symptoms I’ve been experiencing.

This experience has reinforced the crucial importance of prioritizing our health above all else.

Without good health, it’s difficult to accomplish much else in life.

I found that following Dr. Berg’s recommendations for a healthy, low-carb keto diet, as well as incorporating intermittent fasting, helped me build up more resilience and weather this week’s family health crisis without experiencing too much of a setback.

By focusing on foods that don’t trigger excessive insulin production and avoiding those that cause inflammation in my body, as well as practicing overnight fasting for 17-18 hours, I noticed that my body was better able to repair itself quickly during this family health crisis.

This experience has deepened my appreciation for prioritizing my health through dietary choices, rather than indulging in comfort foods like I used to before I had COVID.

While I believe that taking organic Ashwagandha to support my adrenals was beneficial, I think that the most significant factor in my improved resilience during this family health crisis was the overall improvement in my diet, including avoiding foods that weaken my body.


Protecting Yourself and Loved Ones from Negative Energy: The Importance of Energetic Clearing


I’ve long been aware of the dark energy that exists on Earth and its ability to wreak havoc within family units by triggering past anger, willful disobedience, and other emotions.

I’ve witnessed how this energy can infiltrate family members over time, even partially taking them over in some cases.

It’s heartbreaking to see how some of my family members have been changed by these entities, as they are not the same people they once were.

As challenging as it is to sense other realms of consciousness, I know that just as there are angels, there are also dark beings that seek to infiltrate people through traumatic events.

It’s a sobering reminder of the importance of staying vigilant and protecting ourselves and our loved ones from negative energies.

While we may do what we can to protect our family members, it’s ultimately up to each individual to learn how to tune in energetically and protect themselves from negative energy.

This can be done through prayers, visualizations, and energetically clearing oneself from any dark energy.

My clients in the weekly healing sessions have reported how the Overnight DNA Archangel Crystal Light Healing Sessions have helped remove dark seeds and implants from their energetic bodies, making it harder for negative energies to affect them.

This week, I personally experienced a trigger of darker seeds from past painful events, which impacted my emotions.

However, I found comfort in knowing that the Seraphim Angel Healing Team worked on my energy system at night to remove these dark seeds.

Typically, these seeds come from past traumas or pains where dark energy has placed a seed in one’s energy field for future access.

The Seraphim Angel Healing Team provides me with numerous advanced warnings for both clients and general situations.

Despite this, sometimes people are unwilling to listen.

My purpose on earth is to act as a “canary,” alerting others to potential dangers or shifts in energy.

Often, the Seraphim Angel Healing Team communicates with me through dreams or intuition, particularly in regard to significant events.

Unfortunately, many individuals on earth are living within their own illusions or bubbles of reality that may not accurately reflect what is happening in the world around them.

While their perceptions may hold some truth, traumatic events often serve as wake-up calls from their higher selves or souls.

Ultimately, how they respond to these wake-up calls is up to them.

My higher self is increasing my sensitivity each day, making the signals stronger when something is about to happen to those around me or to the world at large.


Intuition and the Whispers of the Soul: Developing Your Inner Voice


As Oprah famously said, our souls communicate with us through whispers.

If we ignore these gentle nudges, we may be met with more forceful signs, like being hit upside the head.

If we still refuse to listen, the universe may hit us with a proverbial 2×4.

Recognizing this pattern in my own life, I chose to surrender my will to my higher self’s purpose for my life.

Through this surrender, I was led to meet my twin flame Jer at the age of 43.

A crucial step towards developing your intuition is to record your intuitive dreams, visions, and feelings.

By documenting these experiences in a digital platform such as Google Docs, a tablet, or your phone, or even by hand, you can revisit them later to assess their accuracy.

This practice will help you to fine-tune your intuition and gain greater trust in your inner voice.

When my son was a toddler, and I found myself raising him on my own after my divorce, I turned to keeping a journal as a means of seeking guidance from the angels.

I would pose questions and then document any visions, feelings, sounds, or dreams that came to me in response.

This practice helped me connect with my higher self from an early age and provided me with guidance to navigate the challenges of single motherhood on planet Earth.


The Seraphim Angel Healing Team: Providing Advanced Warnings and Healing for Traumatic Events


Your gut instinct, commonly known as the “second brain,” can serve as a valuable warning signal when something doesn’t feel right.

By promoting good gut health through a low-inflammatory diet like the keto diet, which involves reducing processed foods, you can enhance your intuition and develop a better understanding of the needs of those closest to you.

With time, I have refined this skill and have noticed that it has become even more acute as my gut microbiome continues to improve.

Keeping a journal of your gut feelings in different situations can help you recognize patterns and gain insight into what your body is trying to communicate.

For example, a hollow feeling when interacting with someone may indicate that they are not fully connected to their higher self.

On the other hand, a tightening or wrenching sensation could be a signal to protect yourself or pay closer attention to your own needs and desires, rather than conforming to others’ expectations.

Trusting your gut can help you navigate complex situations and make choices that align with your well-being.

Trusting your gut instinct can be a valuable tool in navigating complex situations and making choices that align with your well-being.

Promoting good gut health through a low-inflammatory diet like the keto diet, which involves reducing processed foods, can enhance your intuition and help you develop a better understanding of the needs of those closest to you.

Keeping a journal of your gut feelings in different situations can help you recognize patterns and gain insight into what your body is trying to communicate, whether it’s a warning signal to protect yourself or a sign to follow your own needs and desires.

As you continue to improve your gut health, you may find that your gut instinct becomes even more acute and reliable over time.

Enhancing Your Intuition Through Good Gut Health: The Power of Trusting Your Second Brain, Coping with long COVID: How I Built Resilience with a Low-Carb Keto Diet and Intermittent Fasting, Prioritizing Health Above All Else: My Experience with Long COVID and a Family Health Crisis, Protecting Yourself and Loved Ones from Negative Energy: The Importance of Energetic Clearing, Intuition and the Whispers of the Soul: Developing Your Inner Voice, The Seraphim Angel Healing Team: Providing Advanced Warnings and Healing for Traumatic Events, Gut-brain connection and intuition, How to improve your intuition, Benefits of a healthy gut for intuition, Second brain and intuition, Gut health and intuition, Developing intuition through diet, How diet affects intuition, Trusting your gut feeling, Intuition and good health, The link between gut health and intuition


Message I Hear From The Seraphim Angel Healing Team Today:


“Trusting your gut signals is a process of fine-tuning not only your physical health and nutrition but also paying attention to what your higher self is trying to communicate with you.

Daily meditation can be a helpful practice, especially if you pray beforehand, asking your higher self to show you what is best for your life.

Requesting your higher self and guardian angels to clear out old programming that’s blocking your life purpose can help you receive higher frequencies of light, guiding you in difficult times.

Your higher self can reprogram and enhance your intuitive abilities as you sleep.

During the Overnight Archangel Crystal Light Healing Sessions, we can remove old programming, allowing you to see the truth and clarify your life’s pathway.

For many people, the fear of losing control holds them back from this process.

However, surrendering your will to your higher self’s will can make your life easier and more meaningful.

When your higher self sees that you’re off track, it may create a traumatic event to get you back on track.

This recently happened with Kimberly’s family member, and it’s a good lesson for everyone to realize the importance of surrendering to a greater flow and purpose in life.

The ego often wants to think it’s right, but until it surrenders to its higher purpose, life may be filled with many lessons and obstacles.”


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May you remember how Divine you truly are!

Enhancing Your Intuition Through Good Gut Health: The Power of Trusting Your Second Brain,Coping with long COVID: How I Built Resilience with a Low-Carb Keto Diet and Intermittent Fasting,Prioritizing Health Above All Else: My Experience with Long COVID and a Family Health Crisis,Protecting Yourself and Loved Ones from Negative Energy: The Importance of Energetic Clearing,Intuition and the Whispers of the Soul: Developing Your Inner Voice,The Seraphim Angel Healing Team: Providing Advanced Warnings and Healing for Traumatic Events,Gut-brain connection and intuition,How to improve your intuition,Benefits of a healthy gut for intuition,Second brain and intuition,Gut health and intuition,Developing intuition through diet,How diet affects intuition,Trusting your gut feeling,Intuition and good health,The link between gut health and intuition
Energy Interference Purifier

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Enhancing Your Intuition Through Good Gut Health: The Power of Trusting Your Second Brain,Coping with long COVID: How I Built Resilience with a Low-Carb Keto Diet and Intermittent Fasting,Prioritizing Health Above All Else: My Experience with Long COVID and a Family Health Crisis,Protecting Yourself and Loved Ones from Negative Energy: The Importance of Energetic Clearing,Intuition and the Whispers of the Soul: Developing Your Inner Voice,The Seraphim Angel Healing Team: Providing Advanced Warnings and Healing for Traumatic Events,Gut-brain connection and intuition,How to improve your intuition,Benefits of a healthy gut for intuition,Second brain and intuition,Gut health and intuition,Developing intuition through diet,How diet affects intuition,Trusting your gut feeling,Intuition and good health,The link between gut health and intuition

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