Rihanna Super Bowl Performance Psychic Reading


What Do Her Guardian Angels Want Her To Know?



Rihanna’s 2023 Super Bowl performance was nothing short of amazing, especially considering she was pregnant with her second child.

The star not only entertained the fans, but also made history…

She wowed the crowd with hit songs such as ‘Work’ and ‘Umbrella,’ creating an unforgettable experience.

In this piece, I will delve into the realm of supernatural readings and get a glimpse into the life of singer Rihanna.

While we may not have access to her innermost thoughts, we can gain insight into her current state of being with guidance from her guardian angels, through a reading that aims to benefit all.

Whether you are a newcomer to spiritual readings or an experienced practitioner, this article will provide you with an understanding of what’s currently happening in Rihanna’s world.

I have already recited a prayer of protection with Archangel Michael and the Seraphim Angel Healing Team to create a sacred space for this reading, ensuring that the information received is for Rihanna’s highest and best good, as well as that of all who read it.

I have utilized a combination of channeled information from the angels, my own hand-written angel cards, and pendulum charts to determine the messages that wanted to come through for Rihanna.

Angel cards are powerful tools employed by those who are in tune with their spirit guides and angels.

They serve as a bridge between our physical experience and spiritual understanding of life’s events, messages, and questions.

With the help of these tools, and my psychic connection to the angels, I have been able to bring forth a meaningful reading into her present situation that I believe you will find informative.

I am not familiar with Rihanna’s life, as I have only conducted research over the weekend.

My musical taste is limited to meditation music and guided meditations.

My intention for channeling these messages is to uplift and aid on a global level.

If you are reading this, you are receiving high-light coded blessings and activations from the angels, allowing you to receive more guidance, wisdom, and inner direction as you request.

If you say yes internally, the angels will bring you additional blessings during your sleep, so pay attention to your dreams tonight.



What Was Going On In Rihanna’s Mind During Her Super Bowl Performance?


Rihanna, being pregnant during the performance, prioritized the safety of both herself and the baby in her dance routine and production.

Although she cherished the opportunity to perform, she wished it had come at a different time, not during her pregnancy.

Despite some hesitation, she ultimately decided to perform to please her fans.

She is trying to tune into her inner wisdom and the soul of the baby during this pregnancy, even more so than during her first, so that she can become the mother of two that she envisions for herself.

There is someone she holds resentment towards, who acts nicely in her presence but is manipulative, which has been bothering her.

She is also aware of her tendency to have a sharp tongue and is considering her word choices carefully, as her moral ethics are becoming increasingly important to her as she strives to become her true self on earth.

Before or during the show, I get the impression that Rihanna may have been searching for a sign regarding a particular matter, as a way to gain confirmation about something she is pondering.

She was also paying close attention to the choice of words she wanted to use during the performance.

She understands that her words can be sharp, but realizes that this can sometimes be necessary.

She is highly intelligent and is taking a measured approach at present.

Her personal values and ethics are becoming increasingly important as she evolves into the person she wants to be on earth.


Has Rihanna Performed at the Super Bowl Halftime Show Before?


In 2019, Rihanna declined the opportunity to perform at the Super Bowl halftime show.

In an interview with Vogue, she stated that she decided not to attend out of support for former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who was dismissed for peacefully protesting against racial injustices in the criminal justice system.

Rihanna, Rihanna Psychic Reading, Rihanna Super Bowl Performance, Rihanna Super Bowl Half Time Performance, Rihannas Guardian Angels, Rihannas Life Purpose, How Rihanna Feels About Her Relationship, How Rihanna Felt About Her Super Bowl Performance, Rihannas Achilles Heel, Rihanna Dark Energy, Rihanna Energetic Protection, Rihannas Transformation, Rihanna Psychic Messages, Rihanna Soul Purpose Rihanna Alien Connection, Rihanna LA Psychic Reading, Rihanna Super Bowl Performance Psychic Reading


What Color is Rihanna Vibrating Energetically in Her Life Currently?


Rihanna is currently vibrating mostly green, with a touch of blue. I sense that the baby is the color blue.

The baby will play a teaching role for her in many ways.

This child is wise and is destined to raise awareness for the entire planet through its presence on earth.

The fact that Rihanna is vibrating green indicates that she is undergoing a healing process.

She did not want to over-dance or perform during this show, as she wanted to protect the baby.

This was a wise decision. I sense that she was eager to return home and relax after the show.

She knows she needs to rest and heal more.

She recognizes that she cannot let other people’s opinions affect her performance, as this was all about protecting herself and the baby.

Pregnancy can be demanding for women, and this is especially true for a high-profile individual like Rihanna.

The pressure was high, but she kept her priorities in order and did not let it get to her.

The baby’s soul is guiding her to focus on what is truly important, which is life itself.


Will Rihanna Have More Children in the Future?


I see that Rihanna will have 4-5 children in total, God willing.

She wants to have a big family and create a safe and loving home environment that she did not have growing up.


What is Rihanna’s Life Purpose According to Her Soul?


Rihanna is on earth to challenge the status quo and effect change.

She is a change-maker.

This may be her final incarnation on earth. I see the number 12, which suggests that she has had twelve lives on earth, each one dedicated to making a difference.

This time, she has finally succeeded, in the way that she set out to do.

Rihanna chose to embody her feminine power in this life so that other women can do the same.

She also chose a difficult upbringing to demonstrate that women can overcome abuse and become fully empowered.

She has around 12 Guardian Angel or Spirit Guides who guide and protect her as she fulfills her mission on earth.


What is Rihanna’s Achilles Heel?


Rihanna is not fond of people in positions of power who use their authority to control or manipulate her.

She continues to fight against those who try to keep her under their thumb.


How Does Rihanna Feel About Her Relationship at Present?


She’s in love and content because her partner shows her care with his actions, not just his words.

They believe they have found their soulmate and have a contract to bring many change-making children into the world. How cool is that?!


How Does Rihanna Feel About Her Family Life Right Now?


Rihanna feels she needs more time for herself to heal, but the demands from others make it difficult.

She wants more time to simply be and focus on her growing baby.

Her baby has the sweetest most calm “teacher-like” energy.


How Does Rihanna Feel About Her Friends Right Now?


Rihanna is upset with one of her friends who may have betrayed her, and she is learning to stand up for herself.

This situation is a hard lesson but will be important for her in the future.

She’s ticked off at this person.

This is also why she is healing deeply.

The baby that will be born will be teaching her, even further how to stand up for herself and not be taken advantage of.

This will be ever so important moving forward for her.

She took a stand recently with someone and they know it.

She’s not done teaching them a lesson either!

She has more to learn from the situation, so it’s not over yet.

She is learning this lesson the hard way, but it will be an unforgettable one that will help her in her later years so that this issue doesn’t reoccur later when things with the world are in a more critical state.

She was supposed to learn this lesson now with this person to get stronger later, in other words.

That goes for all of us as well. We can either learn the hard stuff now and face things, or we can choose to stick our head in the sand and not learn, than pay double now AND later!

Rihanna being the alchemist transformation queen that she is, she’s bravely facing this lesson now.


Rihanna, Rihanna Psychic Reading, Rihanna Super Bowl Performance, Rihanna Super Bowl Half Time Performance, Rihannas Guardian Angels, Rihannas Life Purpose, How Rihanna Feels About Her Relationship, How Rihanna Felt About Her Super Bowl Performance, Rihannas Achilles Heel, Rihanna Dark Energy, Rihanna Energetic Protection, Rihannas Transformation, Rihanna Psychic Messages, Rihanna Soul Purpose Rihanna Alien Connection, Rihanna LA Psychic Reading, Rihanna Super Bowl Performance Psychic Reading


What Dark Energy Is Trying To Mess With Rihanna?


Through this friend’s acquaintance there is at least 2 dark force energies (entities) trying to mess with her and take her down psychologically.


What Energetic Protection Does Rihanna Need To Call In To Protect Herself From Dark Force Energy?


Dark force entities are trying to manipulate Rihanna through her ex-friend and are a level 7 out of 10 on the abusive scale.

To protect herself, Rihanna needs to cut ties with the ex-friend, ask for cleansing from angels and spirit guides, and get spiritual cleansing from a trusted shaman to remove dark force energies and implants from her crown chakra.

Rihanna’s soul wants her to understand that she is protected and to arm herself with more spiritual tools.

She needs to allow others to help protect her, and she will learn about the support her soul family is trying to bring her.

To do this, she should consider saying more prayers, getting more spiritual healings, and singing protection Hindu mantras.

She needs to protect herself from this ex-friend and their DF’s (Dark Force Entities).

These DF’s know how to get into someone’s head and play mind games, so this is why it’s ever so important for her to be with with her own soul, her baby’s soul and to meditate, asking for cleansing from the Angels and her Guides.

Calling in all of her Angelic support and God spirit guides will help protect her from further abuse from this person.

The level of DF’s from this person is a level 7 out of 10.

Meaning if 10 was the most abusive Dark Energies that could mess with her, they are a level 7.

She needs to continue taking a stand and saying no, setting boundaries and not letting them back into her life.

They are trouble! Cords need to be cut between this person, any acquaintances associated with this person and anyone else who brings Rihanna bad vibes.

The cords need to be cut and released to God or Archangel Michael to remove completely.

It would help Rihanna greatly to get a spiritual cleansing session from a Shaman from her country or one she knows of who knows how to remove dark force energies, implants and dark seeds.

She may have dark seeds and implants that have been put on her crown chakra from these DF’s that are trying to mess with her mind and manipulate her.

These need removed big time so she can have more peace and so she doesn’t feel like she has to fight to ward off the bad thoughts that enter.

The only reason what she feels the thoughts over take her is because these DF’s send dark thoughts into the device they may have put on her crown chakra in order to try to make her psychologically weaker.

They are trying to get her to turn against herself so they can overtake her mind and body to whatever degree they can.

These DF’s are ruthless.

They want to feed off the pain they try to cause in her life. They also want to feed on any pain that happens to those she cares about.

I think it would be very wise for her to get weekly or monthly spiritual cleansing sessions from a true be Shaman from her native land or one close in her circle so she can be done with this destructive DF energy that keeps trying to bring her down.

I feel it would only take around 3 to 4 sessions for her to finally feel the deep peace she has been craving.


What Transformation Is Rihanna’s Soul Wanting Her To Make At This Time?


Rihanna’s guardian angels want her to trust in the journey she is on and the choices she is making.

They want her to know that she is surrounded by love and support, both from those around her and from her spiritual guides.

They encourage her to listen to her inner voice and follow her intuition, as this will lead her to make the best decisions for herself and her growing family.

They also want her to know that they are always with her, helping to protect and guide her on her path.

By embracing her spiritual gifts and connecting with her angels and other spiritual guides, Rihanna will find the peace, strength, and protection she needs during this special time in her life.

Rihanna’s soul wants her to know how looked after she is.

She wants her to know that she needs to protect herself energetically.

She wants her to armor up with more spiritual tools that will protect her delicate energy while she is pregnant and beyond.

Her soul wants her to know she doesn’t always have to be the “strong” one.

She needs to allow others who she trusts to also help protect her more.

She’s learning, but there is more support energetically her soul family on the other side is trying to bring her, but she hasn’t learned about it yet.

She will.

She will learn what else exists out there to protect herself energetically, including saying more prayers, getting more Shamanic healings (spiritual healings) from a trustworthy source, and singing protection Hindu mantras (if she chooses) from deities such as Lord Shiva.


What Messages Do Rihanna’s Guardian Angels Have For Her At This Time?


This is what I hear her Guardian Angels and Guides say…


“Trust yourself.

Trust your gut.

Don’t back down, continue to stand up for yourself.

Get more help.

Get more energetic help as well.

Rescue yourself first.

Put the oxygen mask on yourself first because without you there is no other.

Say no to what doesn’t feel absolutely right.

Stand up.

Take charge.

Be you.

Be real like you are, but more importantly honor yourself more now than ever.

You don’t have to “do more” in order to BE MORE.

You are enough just as you are.

Rise up to yourself, not others.

Rise up because it is what YOU truly want to do, not what others want from you.

This is your lifetime to rise up for yourself and be the leader for yourself that you’ve always wanted to be.

You first, then others.

We have your back.

Ask for help.

Be greedy and ask for the help and support you need.

There are trustworthy people out there.

You got this and We’ve got you!”



I would love to hear from you in the comments below.

What other celebrities would you like me bring messages through for?


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