House Cleansing Prayer | Spiritual Cleansing For Your Home With Archangel Blessings! #shorts VIDEO
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Prayer for House Clearing & Blessing
“I ask Archangel Michael, all of the Archangels, and God (the Divine) to give my home a spiritual cleansing now.
Cleanse my home, belongings, property, and vehicles with your purifying light and blessings… above, below, within, and all around.
Please remove all negative energies, frequencies, thought forms, or any energy seeking to disturb.
Please remove all energies that are not for my highest and best good from my home, property, belongings or from around me.
I invite the Angels, Archangels, and the Divine to place a shield of protection around my entire home and property now, including myself and my loved ones so that we are safe, secure, loved, and protected.
I give my permission for you to protect and bless my home, property, loved ones, and myself now and while we sleep.
Thank you and so it is.”
What is Spiritual Cleansing For Your Home?
Spiritual house cleansing is the practice of removing negative energy from a space.
This can be done in a number of ways, but some common methods include smudging with sage or palo santo, using essential oils, or playing calming music.
If you feel like your space is cluttered or stagnant, performing a spiritual house cleansing can help to refresh and rejuvenate it.
You may also want to consider doing this anytime you move into a new home or office, or if you’re going through a difficult time in your life.
Cleansing your space can help to create a more positive and peaceful environment, promoting healing and well-being.
Spiritual Cleansing For Your Home
There’s something about a clean house that just feels good. It’s refreshing and can give you a sense of accomplishment.
But did you know that spiritual cleansing for your home can also be beneficial?
Spiritual cleansing can help to remove negative energy from your space and create a more positive environment.
It can also be used to bless your home and protect it from harm. If you’re interested in spiritual cleansing for your home, there are a few things you need to know.
First, it’s important to create a sacred space in your home where you can perform the cleansing.
This can be anywhere that feels comfortable and peaceful to you.
Once you have your sacred space, take some time to cleanse yourself spiritually.
This can be done through meditation, prayer, or any other spiritual practice that feels right to you.
Once you’re spiritually cleansed, you’re ready to begin the process of cleansing your home.
Spiritually Cleansing Your Home With Sage
You’ll need to gather some supplies, including sage, sweetgrass, or palo santo wood.
These herbs are often used in spiritual cleansing because they’re said to help remove negative energy.
You’ll also need a bowl of water and a feather or fan.
Begin by smudging yourself and each room of your home with sage smoke.
While smudging you’ll want to play the Archangel Michael House Cleansing Prayer.mp3.
Set the intention for anything negative, dark, or unwanted to leave your space immediately.
In doing so, Archangel Michael and the Archangels who work through the Archangel Michael House Cleansing Prayer Activation .mp3 will cleanse the negative energy from your space for you.
Spiritual Cleansing For Your New Home
Moving into a new home is an exciting time.
It’s a fresh start in a new place, and it can be a great opportunity to spiritually cleanse your home.
There are a few different ways you can do this.
One way is to smudge your home with sage.
This is done by lighting the sage and wafting the smoke throughout your home, starting at the front door and working your way around clockwise.
You can also use Palo santo wood in the same way.
Another way to spiritually cleanse your home is by using sound.
You can ring a bell, play music, or recite mantras or affirmations.
You may also play the Archangel Michael House Cleansing Prayer Activation .mp3. while you smudge or sage your new home.
As you do, Archangel Michael and the Archangels will go to work right away with clearing the negative energy from your new home and space.
By clearing the negative energy from your home, you can create a more peaceful and welcoming space.
This helps to clear out any negative energy and create a more positive vibration in your new home.
Whatever method you choose, spiritual cleansing your new home is a great way to make it feel like your own.
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