Do you ever wonder how to tell what direction is best for you? Or, how to make the best decision for you?
My son just graduated with his Masters in Business Management from ASU…
So very proud of him in every way…
But mostly because early on, he learned how to stick a toe in… and see for himself whether things felt right...
Let me explain…
Ever since I could remember I taught my son how to listen to his gut instinct first… even when teachers or adults were telling him otherwise…
I would tell him… your gut will always steer you in the right direction… you can trust it!…
My son helped us avoid several negative traveling nuances from listening to what his gut was telling him… as we took a trip to Silver Falls, … to visit the magical waterfalls …
I told him, “Wow! You are better at listening to your gut instinct than me… Great job!”
My son learned to listen to his intuition and gut instinct by tuning in closely to his body signals and inner feelings…
He learned that he could always change direction if he didn’t like where he was headed…
For the past 6 years after graduating high school he changed his mind about his career path many times…
And he’d allow himself the freedom of exploring all of his possible options (in his mind and doing research) during his free time off from school and work…
I’m so proud of him because he learned… if something didn’t feel quite right, there would usually be a reason later that he’d discover with regard to why the situation felt “off” to him…
This taught him more and more that he COULD, IN FACT, trust his inner instincts!…
Within 1 week of getting his Masters degree, he landed the job he’d hoped for with a well-known sports medicine company… (along with getting his dream salary)…
I cannot be more thrilled for his accomplishments…
But mostly because he listened to his inner self for guidance all along the way and trusted his inner wisdom…
Even when friends, other adults or teachers wanted him to go in a direction that would benefit themselves, but not necessarily my son.
I would also tell him, “I don’t necessarily know what’s best for you… but YOU DO… You have the answers within you!”
“Sometimes you just won’t know for sure if something feels right to you until you stick a toe in and try it!” I would often say…
What I think helped my son the most is knowing that if he made a so-called mistake… he could always make a new decision and fix it.
Try it, you just might like it… sometimes holds true (and sometimes not)…
But you’ll know by your gut instinct if you’re headed in the right direction for you…
Remember, you can always change your mind and make a new decision at any stage of your journey!
Your Archangel Message…
Message from Archangel Gabriel:
“Love heals all wounds. This cliché is absolutely the truth of it. You have the capacity to heal from all of the hurts, pains, abandonment, regret and any angst through the purifying, healing salve of Divine Love and Grace. Immersing yourself in a state of peace and love instead of letting the fears create endless wheels of needless spinning images in your head, heightens your realization that you ARE LOVE. You came here to Love. You are Love. You are loved infinitely and forever. Ask yourself how you can give love to someone or something today from a place of total peace, love, and connection in your heart. As you give love from this state of being, you are quadrupling the love that boomerangs back to you in unexpected multitudes of diverse ways.”
Here’s a question for you I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments below.
- What helps you listen to your gut instinct more often? Or, what challenges or frustrations have you faced when trying to listen to your inner guidance?
May peace within your heart prevail and may you light the way for yourself and others so all can find their way back home.
In Love & Grace,
PS Please send this to a friend if you feel they may benefit from it. Thanks! xoxo
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