So thrilled to announce the soon to be released Archangel Oracle Cards for Goddesses.
Had so much fun bringing through the divinely inspired and multidimensionally blessed Archangel Oracle Cards unlike any other. I felt serene overlighting by the Archangels, Angel Realms and the higher beings of light that are helping us while channeling them.
Divinely inspired 44 Archangel Oracle Cards unlike any other. They are multidimensionally blessed by Archangel Michael and all of the Archangels so you become a pure, clear channel of love and light.
These oracle cards help you have:
- Higher protection light from Archangel Michael.
- Chakra healing from all of the Archangels.
- Blessings so you know your direction and life purpose.
- More strength, faith and trust.
You’ll become a powerful channel of light by using these highly blessed Angel Oracle Cards for yourself and others.
Order your own set of the one of a kind, blessed and sanctioned Archangel Oracle Cards for Goddesses to do Angel readings for yourself and others.
Below is a sneak peek for you to enjoy…
Message from Archangel Michael and the Healing Team regarding the Archangel Oracle Cards for Goddesses:
“We gave Kimberly the idea seed for her to bring through the blessed Archangel Oracle Cards a while back so that you would have another way of connecting to your soul, the Angelic realm and all of the Divine higher beings of light assisting the planet at this time. It is our honor to bring you blessed higher light frequencies of love, peace, connection and healing as you use the Archangel Oracle Cards for a means of connection and inner guidance for yourself and others as you wish. Each and every card holds within it divinely inspired and multidimensionally blessed that will enable you to bring through channeled messages with more clarity and protection. All of your questions and requests are heard by us as you draw each card for the purpose of assisting yourself, Mother Earth and those that seek guidance from you. May you feel the Divine sparks of light that are intended to ignite the next level of awakening that you’re ready for on a soul level as you experience the higher light frequencies of Divine love with each card.”
Here’s a question for you I’d love to hear your feedback on in the comments below…
- In what ways do using oracle cards inspire, help and assist you currently?
I look forward to hearing from you in the comment section below. What you have to share may help other’s who feel the same way you do.
May peace within your heart prevail and may you light the way for others so all can find their way back home.
In Love & Grace,
PS Archangel Michael and the Healing Team can perform the Angel Healings much more precisely and effectively when you have an Empath Protection Mini Unit (Archangel Crystal Lights) or Portable Unit as well as being in the Angel Healing Sessions For Empaths weekly because it allows them to see your body and auric field more clearly interdimensionally.
Ever had thoughts like?
- I want this to go away.
- This wreaks havoc on me.
- I feel out of place like I don’t belong here.
- I feel others don’t get who I really am.
- I want my health to improve.
- I want relief from the pain.
- I don’t want to pass traumas down to my children.
If you’d like to feel more fully healed, you’ll want to check out the next enrollment date for the FEEL BETTER Angel Healing Sessions For Empaths where you’ll receive…