
Dr. Emoto’s Water Structures in Your Environment – Which One Does Your Space Resemble?

Your prayers, good thoughts towards life and humanity, mantras and anyway you can bring more light into your home and environment helps you be energized by your environment or depleted by it.


This weekend I was physically exhausted from packing for my move to New Mexico.  I got on a roll and was up till 2 am on Saturday night getting inspired move stuff done.


I did a crystal light bath when I needed a boost yesterday.  I was so tired I could see etherically what was all around me.


This house I’m living in now had all these geometric golden shapes of light with crystals dancing in the middle.  Gigantic ones and tiny geometric golden light formations spinning in unison with the others so strong, yet lovingly happy to be doing their job together.


Through this sacred geometric light the Archangels and Ascended Masters showed me they are able to send light into them so they hold frequencies to help humanity be free from suffering and ascend to higher consciousness levels both individually and as a collective whole.


The Archangels and healing team have placed the same golden sacred geometry on my new property which holds light for me, my client sessions, mother earth and all of humanity.


Think of it like Emoto’s water experiment.  When you say words like, “Thank you” & “I love you” it creates crystalline structures that are Divine looking in the water molecules which you can physically see.


The same holds true for our environments in which we live.  Saying prayers, repeating sacred mantras, reading inspired material, calling in the Angels & Ascended Masters brings higher light structures into your home and the surrounding area.


So much of the time we live only in the 3D physical world.  There’s an entire energetic force field of either higher vibrations around us or lower ones.


You’ve had the feeling of walking into someone’s home and the energy feels stagnant, stale and you might have felt you can cut the depressing thickness with a knife.


What makes the difference between a home you walk into that bathes your skin in sanctuary space love and a home that feels like you shouldn’t even be there in the first place because of the weird vibe you pick up on?  …Or entering a space where you feel splashes of pain and despair dragging your mood down like muddy river waters crying for help.


The answer to this can be found in the unseen worlds.  Bringing in  blessings of light, love and higher intentions etherically creates light formations that continue to energize you.


When you are feeling blue or out of sorts, picture Emoto’s water blessings.


The more you pray (or intend) for higher light and upliftment to come in from the Angels, Divine light structures are brought in to dance in your home, car or anywhere you are which nourish you and bring you the peace, safety and love you’ve been craving.


The Archangels and healing team also brings these geometric high vibe crystal light structures into your home and environment so that your healing lasts longer and you have sustained inspired thoughts with ease.


See upcoming times available for you to request an Archangel Crystal Light Energy Healing Session:

Recent Archangel Michael Message posted on facebook

Message from Archangel Michael: “You are hearing the call correctly.  We are showing you invigorating worlds of possibility today that bring with them the joy you have been longing for.  You understand how to receive well the inner guidance we are bringing to you in each moment.  Allow the sun to rise again, for this is a new day in your life of creation.  The seeds of opportunity are now springing into creative form now, awaiting your enjoyment to the fullest.”

I’d love to know what insights you received from this post and how it helped you.  I look forward to hearing from you in the comment section below.  What you have to share may help other’s who feel the same way you do.


May you light the way for others so all can find their way back home.


In Love & Grace,

Dr. Emoto's Water Structures in Your Environment

PS If you’d like to heal your past life karma, be able to trust your intuition and hear the Angels better, do join us for the Monday Night Angel Healing Sessions For Empaths where you’ll receive…

  • Healing of past life Karma with the Angels
  • DNA family lineage clearing (healing the bloodline)
  • A stronger more pure connection with the Angels
  • Activation of your authentic vibrational self
  • Activation that enhances your ability to receive Angel messages for yourself daily
  • Typed Angel message for you from Archangel Michael and the Healing Team

Dr. Emoto's Water Structures in Your Environment

May you remember how Divine you truly are!

Dr. Emoto's Water Structures in Your Environment
Energy Interference Purifier

If you'd like to embody your highest Divine light here on earth, you can view all my offerings here.

Dr. Emoto's Water Structures in Your Environment

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Pinpoint Your Primary Energy Interferences So You Can Embody Your Highest Divine Light Level.