
Archangel Ariel Message and Prayer | Angel Ariel Meaning

Angel experiences are so incredibly healing (especially with Archangel Ariel)…


I got a ginormous confirmation that I was on the right track with doing Angel courses the day of the 1st call when I saw a huge Angel Formation in the sky 45 minutes before our Live teleclass was set to take place.


Here’s one of the angel photos I took from my iphone that I blew up really large so you could see what I saw in the sky…

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Ever since that day when the angel classes began my connection with the angels has been almost a constant sweet stream (and sometimes) flood of messages and love from them.


Now, I’m not sure if this is Archangel Ariel, another Archangel or what, but all I know is I felt this Angel formation’s presence the second my eyes hit the horizon as I was driving on 89A.


Here’s the message I felt the Angel in the Sky tell me, “Look in the sky,” so I did and it said, “I am an archangel and we are with you on the call tonight. This is a confirmation from us. Go forth we are with ALL of you. You are doing the right step with hosting these calls.”


I still didn’t believe it fully (truthfully), until after we did the call (which had deeply uplifting and activating energy). I enlarged the photos I took from my iphone and I could see the wings, the head, the body AND the long arms of the angel formation as if she/he was embracing humanity with its arms.


Ever since the call, while laying under the John of God Crystal Lights and receiving my daily light baths the experiences with angels have been profound.  This morning while receiving my light bath I felt and saw an angel brushing my hair like I was her daughter.  Awww… I thanked her and just melted into the massage table even more.


2 nights ago I had an experience with the Seraphim Angels that was nothing short of experiencing a direct beam of God’s love flooding my body, heart, mind and soul.  I saw the Seraphim Angels all around me, I was with them as they were sending light into someone’s home who just got out of the hospital.  I could see several of them in a circle sending a huge beam of light into this older gentleman’s home while his son was caring for him.


The Seraphim Angels told me that it is so easy for them to give anyone who calls upon them this light directly from God.


According to Seraphim.com the Seraphims are the direct caretakers of God’s throne. Circling the heavenly seat, they are locked in an eternal song referred to as the Trisagion song.


The Seraphim’s job when humanity calls upon them is to beam God’s Light & Love so profoundly that people, groups of people, animals or even dire circumstances of humanity can feel God’s love directly into their heart, mind, body and soul…into all of their being basically.


It felt and looked like it melted away the pain of this older man and was healing his heart.  “That’s what God’s love does,” said the Seraphim Angels, “It unifies them with God so strongly that the pain of separation is healed.  Pain is only from the illusion of us being separate from God’s love.  We send this love beam from God anytime someone calls to God for help or request angelic assistance.”


They showed me how much sending healing love like this is effortless to them.  That Love Beam from God was sent so strongly that any darkness or illusion was now illuminated in pure light and bliss.  As they circled above his home I too was enveloped by God’s Love Beam as I lay under the crystal lights witnessing how they so effortlessly transmit this light anywhere they are called to do so.  In less than a tenth of a fragment of a second they are there when called.


I sensed that any of the pains and tragedies on earth to them is like a speck of dust in a moment of time or a small dark colored pebble that just needs to be lit up and illuminated again.  They had me feel how much God’s love brought in like this heals all without question.  All one must do is request and ask.


They told me, “On another level, I was a Seraphim Angel, that this is what I do as that larger aspect of me is one of them.”  I told them, “I feel so limited here in human life, that I can’t do what they are doing on a large scale here on earth or at least I feel like I can’t. Why did I choose to come here then if you guys can do so much in such a short amount of time and I I barely am doing anything in comparison?”


They said, “To be in human form as an angel reaches far more than one can humanly understand. And they thanked me for my service here upon the earth plane and told me they know it hasn’t always been easy.”


I cried.


I’m tearing up a bit while typing this now…


They told me to keep going and that I am doing a good job.  They said I am doing much more than I realize and to trust this.


The feeling of their love is so profoundly healing that I didn’t want to leave that state of bliss. I never want to leave this state of peace and love when I’m in it.


The good thing is, once you feel a piece of heaven like this, you never forget it because it is so viscerally heart-healing and expanding.


This morning I asked Archangel Ariel to bring you a message to help you stay uplifted because being human on earth is not the easiest thing for most of us.


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Why Archangel Ariel?


I feel very over-lighted by her love.  I once heard that we all come in and are born under an Archangel’s over-lighting.  I believe I came in through Archangel Ariel’s love and protection.  Perhaps she was the Mother Angel brushing my hair this morning under the crystal bed?  I dunno.


Archangel Ariel’s Message


“Never hesitate when that burning desire in your soul won’t let your dream go. Take the first step. Pretty soon you’ll be flying across the sky and all the wind will be lifting you higher.”


Prayer to say to Archangel Ariel when you would like her assistance or the Seraphim Angel’s direct beam of God’s Love:


“I ask that Archangel Ariel & the Seraphim Angels please beam me God’s Love now.  I open my heart to receive.  Please help me with ____________.  I truly appreciate your assistance.  I am ready.  Thank you for helping me with this.  And so it is.”


If you have angel experiences, please share them in the comments below. I’d LOVE to hear!


May you feel so loved today and forever more!


Archangel Ariel Angel Meaning


Archangel Ariel is a powerful angel who can help you manifest your desires and bring your dreams into reality.

She is also known as the Angel of Nature and is a powerful force for good.

Ariel helps us to remember our connection to nature and the natural world, and she reminds us that we are all connected.

Ariel’s name means ‘lion of God’, and she is a fierce protector.

She is a powerful ally who can help you to overcome challenges and obstacles.

Ariel is also a helpful angel when it comes to manifesting your desires.

If you are working on manifesting something in your life, ask Archangel Ariel for help and guidance.

Call on her when you need help manifesting your desires, or when you need guidance and protection.

Archangel Ariel can help you manifest a life you love.


Archangel Ariel Powers


As one of the Archangels, Ariel has a wide range of spiritual powers.

She is able to communicate with humans and animals alike and is often called upon to help heal those who are sick or injured.

She is also a powerful protector and can help defend against negative energy or entities.

Additionally, Ariel is said to be able to manifest abundance and prosperity in people’s lives.

Call on her when you need assistance in any of these areas, and you are sure to receive guidance and support.

Thank you, Archangel Ariel!


Ariel Prayer


Archangel Ariel, I call upon you to please assist me with…

(insert your request here).

I am open and receptive to your help and guidance.

Thank you for watching over and protecting me.

And so it is.


I’d love to know what insights you received from this post and how it helped you.

I look forward to hearing from you in the comment section below.  What you have to share may help others who feel the same way you do.

You will also love the Archangel Oracle Cards for Empaths which contain a lot of Archangel Ariel messages in them.

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You may also enjoy The 9 Powerful Archangel Michael Prayers for Healing Video

May you remember how Divine you truly are!

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May you remember how Divine you truly are!

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  1. Wilfred

    Hello Kimberly, I really enjoyed your beautiful piece and long to experience more of the angels. I had peace and quiet the moment I called upon archangel Uriel and Ariel. Well done.

    How do I sign up for the free angel course?

    • Kimberly Dawn

      Thank you! That is wonderful you call upon Archangel Uriel & Ariel.

      You may sign up for the free angel course here: https://archangelsbless.com/membership-join/

      May the peace and angel connection continue for you.

      In Love & Grace,


    • Jr

      Yes and that beautiful picture of that beautiful angel I I love him so much for he is doing the work of the Lord heating mother Earth and thank u so much for reaching out to me with that beautiful prayers my u be blessed and stay focused for God’s will is being done for he is the creator of heaven and Earth and he is in control of us all for we live life by his word and laws not by this world but people seem to forget him and start to live life by this world for if they would just seek him again everything that they are causing in this world our father God would of removed it from this world for he is at work healing this world and removing what don’t belong so my sister keep your faith up and never stop doing gods work for I too am doing also for we must stand up and fight to save this beautiful world that our God create it and also our brothers and sisters that live in this world also for we we’ll have the victory for we aren’t stronger or powerful than him but he that lives in US and the lives in me makes me strong makes me feel powerful for its gods well being done though you and me and our brothers and sisters that are also out there in this world fighting by is he the only weapon we know to use and it’s an unbeatable weapon God’s power through prayer God bless you and my you and your family have a wonderful bless day God bless you in Christ Jesus name amen ????

      • Kimberly Dawn

        Thank you for sharing. May blessings to you as well!!!

        In love and grace,


  2. Nirmal Paul Durai

    I have called on the archangels for help and i dont seem to be getting any kind of help,i desperately need their help now,i have waited too long and my life is passing me by,iam so open to receive their help now,what do i do. Ps you really are very beautiful, you are literally glowing with the angels love.

    • Kimberly Dawn

      Thanks for your kind words. The Angels show up as we ask for their help without question. You may not be able to feel that fully yet, but they are there helping you as you ask for their assistance. Have faith and trust as you ask. As you do, listen for higher guidance and go where the peace is. All that is good will be able to reach you more as you do.

      More blessings will begin to show up for you as you ask the Archangels for assistance.

      In Love & Grace,


  3. Renee Rugenstein

    I’m trying to ask Archangel Ariel to assist me but I don’t feel her presence, what do I need to do? I said the prayer to her for help but I didn’t feel anything. I,am so open to the Angels.

    • Kimberly Dawn

      Hi Renee,

      I’d suggest signing up for the FREE Angel Course: Enhancing Your Angel Connection. This will help you to feel the Archangels presence and you also receive an opening and closing prayer in that free class as well. Enjoy sweet soul.

      In Love & Grace,


  4. Jane Bulmer

    Thank you for sharing this info and your experience with the Angels! I always felt since I met you that your energy was very Angelic! Now I can see why. Your experience reminds me to call on them more often. Sometimes, I forget…..and try to do everything myself (which doesn’t work, by the way). Thank you for assisting us fellow travelers the way you do!

    • Kimberly Dawn

      Jane, I am so touched to hear me sharing my experiences helps you to call on the Angels more. It took me years to begin asking for more help. Now, I think the veil is so thin they can have us feel them more easily so we know they are there more! It’s incredible freedom when we begin seeing how truly supported we are! You are so welcome. Thanks for being kindred spirit friend to me Jane! Huge Hugs! xoxox :o)

  5. Susan Foster

    Kimberly, this post really is amazing. I am so in awe of your connection and it was so moving for me today. Thanks and I miss you!

    • Kimberly Dawn

      Awww… Thank you so much Susan! I miss you too. You are such a sweet soul! You can have the same connection. You see it in me because it is available for you as well. I just love you. Big Hugs! xoxo


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