
How To Do Automatic Writing Safely With Energetic Protection?

How To Do Automatic Writing


Automatic writing is a form of writing in which the writer is not consciously thinking about what they are writing.

Instead, the thoughts and words are said to come from a higher power or from the subconscious mind.

Some people believe that automatic writing can be used to communicate with spirits or to access information that is hidden from the conscious mind.

Automatic writing can be done with a pen and paper, or it can be done using a computer.

Automatic writing is a technique used to access the subconscious mind.

This type of writing is often used to access information that is hidden or blocked from the conscious mind.

Automatic writing can be done with a pen and paper, or with a computer.

To do automatic writing with a pen and paper, sit down in a comfortable place and relax your body and mind.

Clear your thoughts and focus on your breathing.

Once you are relaxed, begin to write whatever comes to mind, without censoring yourself.

Don’t worry about grammar or spelling; just let the words flow.

To do automatic writing with a computer, open up a word processing document and relax your body and mind.

Clear your thoughts and focus on your breathing.

Once you are relaxed, begin to type whatever comes to mind, without censoring yourself.

Before beginning to automatic write, it may be best to play the Archangel Michael House Clearing Audio to remove any negative energies or lower-level spirits from around you.

One must take precautions, however…

Saying prayers of protection before you begin is vital to creating a protected space.

Only giving permission to your Christ Consciousness Guides and Angels to be the only beings or entities allowed to come through your automatic writing is critical.

Cutting cords, ending contracts, and commanding all dark or lower level energies to leave your space immediately will help your automatic writing be protected and held safe in the light.


What Does Automatic Writing Mean


Automatic writing is a form of writing in which the writer is not in control of the words that are being written.

The words are said to be “coming through” the writer, and often contain information that the writer is not consciously aware of.

Automatic writing is said to be a way for the subconscious mind to communicate with the conscious mind.


Automatic Writing For Beginners


Automatic writing is a type of writing that is done without conscious thought.

This type of writing can be used for a variety of reasons, such as expressing emotions, getting out thoughts that are blocked or connecting with a higher power.

Automatic writing can be done with any type of pen and paper, or with a computer.

For beginners, automatic writing can be a way to get in touch with their subconscious minds.

The goal is to let the thoughts flow without editing or judging them.

This can be difficult at first, but with practice, it becomes easier. Some people find it helpful to relax their body and clear their mind before beginning.

There are no right or wrong ways to do automatic writing. The important thing is to allow yourself to explore and experiment until you find what works best for you.


How Do You Automatic Write


When you first hear the term “automatic writing,” you may be confused about what it means.

Automatic writing is a process in which you allow your subconscious mind to take control of your hand and write.

This can be a great way to get in touch with your inner thoughts and feelings or to receive guidance from a higher power.

To perform automatic writing, all you need is a piece of paper and something to write with.

Sit in a comfortable position and allow your mind to clear. When you feel ready, start writing whatever comes to mind.

Don’t censor yourself or try to make sense of what’s being written – just let the words flow freely.

Some people find automatic writing helpful for exploring their creative side, while others use it as a form of self-therapy. It can also be used as a tool for divination or connecting with spiritual beings of light.

Automatic writing is a process of writing without conscious thought or editing.

It can be used for generating ideas, exploring the subconscious, and releasing creative blocks.

To automatic write, sit down with a pen and paper (or your computer) and allow your hand to move freely across the page.

Don’t think about what you’re writing, just let the words flow.


How To Do Automatic Writing, What Does Automatic Writing Mean, Automatic Writing For Beginners, How Do You Automatic Write, How Do You Auto Write Safely, Automatic Writing Spirits, Automatic Writing Psychology, Automatic Writing Meditation, Automatic Writing Therapy, Energetic Protection When Automatic Writing


How Do You Auto Write Safely?


There are many ways that you can write safely and energetically. One way is to use protection.

You can use a shield of light or another type of protection.

This will help to keep your energy safe and protected while you write.

It is also important to ground yourself before and after writing.

This will help to keep your energy grounded and stable.

You can also use visualization exercises to help you stay safe and focused while you write.

Prior to beginning automatic writing, it’s often best to play the Archangel Michael House Clearing Audio to get rid of any negative energies or unpleasant lower spirits that may be hanging around you.

This is especially useful if you’re encountering something that you would rather protect against.

Saying prayers of protection before starting automatic writing will help establish a protected space, along with smudging your space with sage.

Giving permission for ONLY your Christ Consciousness Guides & Angels to come through your automatic writing is critical.

Commanding all dark or lower level energies to leave your space will be needed each time.

You may even want to receive an Overnight (Spiritual Cleansing) Archangel Crystal Light Healing Session before you begin your automatic writing journey to clear negative spirits and energies from around you.


Automatic Writing Spirits


We all have those moments where the words just flow out of us.

We may not even be aware of what we’re saying until it’s all out in the open.

This is often called automatic writing. And for some people, it’s not just a momentary occurrence, but a way of life.

One famous automatic writer was Jane Roberts.

She was a student at Columbia University when she started having out-of-body experiences.

She soon learned that she could use this ability to communicate with spirits who would then provide her with information.

Her work has been published in several books, including The Seth Material and The Nature of Personal Reality.

Another well-known automatic writer is channeler James Tyberonn.

He began communicating with spirit guides at the age of four and has since written over 30 books on spirituality and metaphysics.


Automatic Writing Psychology

Automatic writing is a technique used in psychology to help people communicate with their subconscious minds.

It can be used to access memories, thoughts, and feelings that may be difficult to express verbally.

Automatic writing is often used in therapy to help people resolve emotional conflicts or trauma.


Automatic Writing Meditation


Automatic Writing Meditation (AWM) is a form of mindfulness where you allow the mind to freely write without censoring or editing your thoughts.

AWM can be used as a form of self-expression, problem-solving, or simply to explore your inner thoughts and feelings.

To practice AWM, find a quiet place where you can relax and won’t be disturbed.

Sit in a comfortable position with your spine straight.

Allow your hands to rest in your lap with your palms up.

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.

Now, allow yourself to simply write whatever comes to mind – without judgment or censorship.

Don’t worry about grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Just let the words flow onto the page. Write for 5-10 minutes, then stop and read what you wrote.


Automatic Writing Therapy


Automatic writing therapy is a form of expressive therapy that uses writing as a way to express emotions and thoughts.

It can be used to explore past experiences, work through current problems, or explore future possibilities.

Automatic writing is done without thinking about what you are writing, and it can be helpful for releasing thoughts and feelings that are difficult to express in words.

It can also be a way to connect with your inner wisdom and intuition.


Energetic Protection When Automatic Writing


Automatic writing is a powerful way to connect with the divine and access guidance.

When you are open to receiving, the divine can offer amazing insight and guidance.

However, automatic writing can also be used for energetic protection.

The energy of automatic writing can be quite strong, and it is important to protect yourself from any unwanted energy or entities that may be drawn to you.

One way to do this is by using a protective shield of light. You can create this shield by visualizing a bright light surrounding you.

The light will act as a barrier, protecting you from any negative energy or entities.

Another way to protect yourself when doing automatic writing is by setting your intention before you begin.

State your intention clearly and ask for protection from the divine.

This will help to create a safe and sacred space for you to work in.

Prior to beginning automatic writing, it will often help to play the Archangel Michael House Clearing Audio to remove any negative energies or unpleasant spirits that may be hanging around you.

Praying for the protection from your guides and angels before you begin automatic writing will allow you to have a safe space, along with smudging the area with sage.

This will give permission to your guides so they can protect you completely.

You will need to constantly make sure all negative or low-level energies leave your living space before you can start writing.

You may even want to get an Overnight (Spiritual Cleansing) Angel Crystal Light Healing Session before you embark on your automatic writing journey to set up sacred space before you begin.



In conclusion, automatic writing is a great way to tap into your subconscious mind and access information that you may not be able to access through normal means.

It can be used for personal growth, problem-solving, and even psychic readings.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can learn how to do automatic writing yourself in a safe and protected way.


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May you remember how Divine you truly are!

How To Do Automatic Writing,What Does Automatic Writing Mean,Automatic Writing For Beginners,How Do You Automatic Write,How Do You Auto Write Safely,Automatic Writing Spirits,Automatic Writing Psychology,Automatic Writing Meditation,Automatic Writing Therapy,Energetic Protection When Automatic Writing
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How To Do Automatic Writing,What Does Automatic Writing Mean,Automatic Writing For Beginners,How Do You Automatic Write,How Do You Auto Write Safely,Automatic Writing Spirits,Automatic Writing Psychology,Automatic Writing Meditation,Automatic Writing Therapy,Energetic Protection When Automatic Writing

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