Spiritual Cleansing Thanksgiving Prayer with Archangel Blessings – Effective!

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“I ask Archangel Michael, all of the Archangels, and God (the Divine) to give me and my home a spiritual cleansing for Thanksgiving.


Please clear myself, my auric field, my energy, my thoughts,  my home, belongings, property, and vehicles with your purifying light and blessings… above, below, within, and all around.


Please remove all negative energies, frequencies, thought forms, or any energy seeking to disturb.


Please cut cords and remove all energies that are not for my highest and best good from around me, my home, property, or belongings.


Please do this across all time and space, all realities, all dimensions, and on all timelines.


I invite the Angels, Archangels, and the Divine to place a shield of protection around me, my home and my loved ones so that we are safe, secure, loved, and protected.


I give my permission for you to protect and bless us while we sleep.


Thank you and so it is.”

A Bundle of Healing Love Weekly Membership

Here Are The Benefits Fellow A Bundle of Healing Love Angel Session Members Report Back Experiencing…


✅Feeling empowered to take steps towards your soul’s calling and life purpose
✅Deeper communication and guidance from the Angels
✅Recognizing unlimited possibilities and potential for personal growth and fulfillment
✅Trusting in Divine guidance and assistance from the Archangels and higher beings of light
✅Having faith in the process of life and it’s unfolding
✅Believing in their capacity to rise above obstacles with grace and ease
✅Embracing the power of miracles and unlimited possibilities
✅Feeling more content, focused, loved, and connected
✅Improved vitality and well-being
✅Enhanced spiritual gifts abilities unfolding

Learn More About A Bundle of Healing Love Angel Sessions