
Angels of Abundance – How They Can Help You

In this video, I talk a little about the blessings that have happened to me from working with the Archangels of Abundance.

I thought I’d share some of my blessing stories with you of how they have helped me. Enjoy…



Message from Archangel Ariel: “When you hit a brick wall or can’t see past the fence, ask for my help.  I help you see beyond the current horizon. You have the ability to transform any worry in your life right now with greater ease than you may be allowing yourself.  Choose one area, problem or obstacle you’d like me to assist you with today and write it down.  I will place my blessings upon it and all that is required from you is to be easy on yourself… for the time has come to just allow divine abundance, blessings and love to be bestowed upon you.  It is my honor to assist in this way. Let the love of you feel this today… my presence of love and upliftment with you.”


Message from Archangel Raphael: “You are trusting your inner most promptings more and more and we are so pleased. More abundance in all areas of your life are ready to flood in now. What brings you harmony magnetizes your desires. What brings you discord pushes it further away. The loveliness of your expanded awareness into more blissful acceptance of what you truly want has created a sphere of love vibrations that create your time and space reality to be moments of inhaled goodness with only more sweetness to come. We honor your ability to tune in and listen so intently because it is in that connection we are able to bring even more of your most cherished desires to you in delightful ways.”


Message from Archangel Michael: “The things that cause you to feel stressed out can be a blessing in disguise.  Asking yourself the questions, “What would I prefer instead of this stress?” and “How may I begin to create this in my world?”  Answering both of these questions allows us to bring you new ideas of how you can transform stressful things into more peace, joy, love and abundance.  As the old form ways of doing things transcend into the new blueprints for your life, peace arrives at your front door more and more.” .


I’d love to know what insights you received from this post and how it helped you.  I look forward to hearing from you in the comment section below.  

What you have to share may help others who feel the same way you do.



May you remember how Divine you truly are!


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