Join The Manifesting Miracles Collective

Experience the Manifesting Miracles Collective Membership with Angel Meditation Blessing Experiences.


Enrich your Angelic connection, access Angel Sessions at your convenience, tap into divine guidance, and join a community of kindred spirits, allย with no strings attached inside the Manifesting Miracles Collective...


Receive love, support, and guidance from your angels effortlessly as you enhance your angelic communication, accelerate your divine soul gifts, and feel empowered to embrace your soul's calling and life purpose.

Join us for The Manifesting Miracle Collective Membership Enrollment Event, featuring Angel Blessing Meditation Experiences!


Doors open from Friday, April 19th - Monday, April 22nd, 2024.


Enrollment closes on Monday, April 22nd, 2024, at 5 pm PST, and won't reopen until May 2024.

Secure your spot by joining the waitlist today!

Kimberly Dawn

Ready to Fast-Track Your Spiritual Transformation?

Take advantage of a 24-hour FREE trial membership offer.

๐ŸŒŸ Iโ€™m thrilled to unveil this exclusive Manifesting Miracles Collective offer to you, but before we dive in, letโ€™s ponder something: Ever noticed that when we yearn to enhance our lives, we often overlook the path of spiritual growth?

Instead, we search in all the wrong places for happiness, convincing ourselves that earning more money, shedding weight, finding a romantic partner, conquering health issues, or relocating to a nicer abode will bring us contentment.

Now, donโ€™t get me wrong, desiring these things is perfectly natural; itโ€™s part of being human.

However, when we pursue them under the belief theyโ€™ll make us happier, we’re prioritizing the external over the internal.

Rather than seeking external fixes, we must first turn inward to our spirituality.

By nurturing our spiritual connection, we strengthen our bond with the divine, feeling deeply loved and supported, instead of inadequate, empty, or incomplete.

And as we consistently experience this spiritual connection, our vibration elevates, gradually dispelling feelings of lack, and ironically, attracting the very things we desired initially!

But wait, there’s more… ๐ŸŒˆ

Unlock the Incredible Benefits of Deep Spiritual Connection!

Being embraced by divine love is a reward in itself. Yet, science affirms that a robust spiritual foundation correlates with:

  • Happiness
  • Gratitude
  • Reduced Anxiety & Depression
  • Elevated Self-Esteem
  • Sense of Meaning & Purpose
  • Compassion
  • Forgiveness
  • Enhanced Relationships
  • Self-Actualization
  • Profound Fulfillment
  • Grace
  • Enriched Life Experience
  • Heightened Satisfaction
  • Optimism

So, how can you fortify your spirituality to reap these abundant rewards?

The most effective approach I’ve found is through channeled angel sessions.

Angel sessions serve as an extraordinary tool to deepen your spiritual bond, leaving you feeling empowered, uplifted, and inspired.

As a result, they catalyze your spiritual evolution, ushering in more happiness, love, and fulfillment into your lifeโ€ฆ consistently!

That’s whyโ€ฆ

Angel Meditation Blessing Experiences Offer Your Divine Shortcut to Expanded Spiritual Growth, Deeper Wisdom & Unparalleled Joy

But the astonishing impact of angel sessions goes beyond what meets the eye!

You’ll be delighted to find that they require little to no effort on your part.

Simply press “play” and listen… your angels will handle the rest!

With each session, they’ll gently guide you to open your heart wider, saturating your entire being with radiant, divine love.

You’ll discover that these effects accumulate over time. The more frequently you tune in, the greater the benefits you’ll enjoy.

Spiritual growth mirrors peeling an onionโ€”each layer removed brings about deeper wisdom, expanded consciousness, and transformative changes in your life.

Listening to angel sessions helps silence the critical voice of your ego, drawing you closer to your divine essenceโ€”where boundless love resides.

Furthermore, with every session, not only does your vibration elevate, but your connection to your angels deepens. You become more receptive to their guidance, gaining insights from a higher, divine perspective.

And here’s the most thrilling partโ€”angel sessions pave the way for more magical moments and near-instant manifestations in your life!

By establishing a tangible connection with your angels, you unlock infinite possibilities.

So, how can you forge this connection?…

By becoming a part of The Manifesting Miracles Collective!

Revamp of The Manifesting Miracles Collective Membership Program:


Welcome to The Manifesting Miracles Collective, your gateway to a world of celestial guidance and transformation.


Our monthly membership program offers an array of enriching features, including:

๐Ÿ“šAngel Session Library: Immerse yourself in a collection of uplifting angel sessions, with new additions every week.

๐Ÿ‘ฅPrivate Community: Connect with me and fellow members within our private posts area. Engage in discussions, share your experiences, and offer support at any time of day or night.

๐Ÿ™Gratitude & Miracles: Share your moments of gratitude and miracles with our community, fostering a culture of positivity and inspiration.

๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธInteractive Participation: Have a say in what content comes next by voting on upcoming sessions. Your feedback shapes the future of our collective journey.

๐Ÿ’ฌ Real Talk & Personal Support: Seek guidance, share insights, and find comfort in the “Real Talk & Personal” section of our member’s area. Here, you’ll discover a supportive space where you can express yourself freely.

๐ŸŽฅ Impromptu Video Channelings:Tune into our Impromptu Video Channelings to tap into the collective insight. I channel word-for-word messages from the Angels, offering divine guidance tailored for the group. These videos provide higher Divine light codes, enhancing your Angel communication and awakening.


๐Ÿ”‘Your Secret Key…


Think of The Manifesting Miracles Collective as your secret key to unlocking the divine realm of angels in a safe, nurturing, and empowering manner.

Much like tuning into a radio station, our program helps you attune to the frequencies of angelic messages.

Angels, like radio waves, are ever-present energies surrounding us.

However, without tuning in to the right channel, their messages remain unheard and unnoticed.

Through The Angel Solutions, we elevate your energetic vibration, aligning you with the frequencies of the angelic realm.

As a result, you become receptive to their messages, experiencing profound shifts and insights along your spiritual journey.

Join us today and embark on a transformative path guided by divine wisdom and boundless love.

That’s why The Manifesting Miracles Collective stands out as one of the simplest ways to effortlessly attune yourself to the beauty, inspiration, and excitement that life has to offer.

And here’s the kickerโ€”once you dive into your first Angel Sessions, prepare for a cascade of captivating experiences.

Unlike typical audio meditations that conclude in a mere 20 minutes, our sessions are just the beginning of your transformative journey.

As a member, you’ll be enveloped in the divine frequencies of light by the Seraphim Angel Healing Team, providing you divine light blessings with each audio you listen to along with an over-lighting of Divine higher frequencies of love, and divine connection.

Each Angel Session varies in duration, spanning from 8 to 40 minutes, offering flexibility for those with limited time to spare.

The length of each Angel Session ranges between 8 minutes and 40 minutes in length so you can listen when you only have a short amount of time..

I receive heartfelt emails from individuals expressing profound experiences they have received from the Seraphim Angel Healing Team blessing their lives.

Some share sentiments like, “Thank you, Kimberly, the angel messages brought tears of joy to my eyes.”

During one healing session, when I had my healing center in Sedona, a woman witnessed the appearance of Archangel Michael, while another encountered a beautiful Seraphim Angel in her dreams.

Many sensitive souls and empaths have reported receiving signs, such as butterflies, feathers, or angelic numbers, signaling their angels’ presence and offering guidance.

Some even receive direct instructions from their angels, providing insight and clarity in navigating life’s complexities.

I receive unsolicited emails regularly from members of our healing sessions, expressing how they’ve experienced increased clarity and deeper connections with the Angels beyond what they thought was possible.

By joining The Manifesting Miracles Collective, you can expect to truly feel, sense, and experience the presence of your angelic helpers.

With their guidance, you’ll:

  1. Manifest long-desired desires as your personal power intensifies.
  2. Enhance your angelic communication, deepening your connection.
  3. Feel empowered to take steps towards your soul’s calling and life purpose.
  4. Accelerate your divine soul gifts.
  5. Cleanse negative energy, removing obstacles to your dreams.
  6. Experience miraculous manifestations, unlocking infinite possibilities.
  7. Pursue your life passions, finding profound fulfillment and purpose.
  8. Open doors that once appeared closed, effortlessly overcoming barriers.
  9. Feel cherished and protected, embraced by round-the-clock angelic guardianship.
  10. Propel your spiritual growth to higher levels of consciousness and vibration.
  11. Enjoy a continuous flow of greater love, creativity, peace, energy, and financial abundance.
  12. Embrace more joyful moments with ease.
  13. Cultivate gratitude effortlessly.
  14. Activate your divine gifts, awakening your true potential.
  15. Trust your path ahead with divine guidance.
  16. Invite miraculous shifts and possibilities into your life.
  17. Experience blessings in everyday life.
  18. Nurture your self-worth, healing your inner value.
  19. Cultivate energetic alignment, fostering positive energy.
  20. Embrace inner renewal by releasing the past with love.
  21. Heal past hurts, nurturing a mended heart.
  22. Find more peace, joy, and balance in your life.
  23. Receive emotional healing and support.
  24. Heal loneliness through divine connection.
  25. Align with divine abundance in all aspects of life.
  26. Plus, you’ll receive precisely the help you need to address any challenges you’re facing because…


The Manifesting Miracles Collective Transforms Every Area of Your Life!


No matter what challenges you may be facing, I can confidently assure you that The Manifesting Miracles Collective offers specific angel sessions tailored to address those very issues.

Consider the diverse array of ways in which The Manifesting Miracles Collective can help you overcome obstacles, manifest your desires, receive divine assistance, and so much more:

๐ŸŒŸEnhance Your Angel Communication: Enhance your angelic communication, deepening your connection with the Angels more effortlessly each time you listen to the “Angel Communication Enhancement: Deepening Your Connection Session”.

๐ŸŒŒDream Bigger Manifestation: Dive into the “Cosmic Abundance Activator” to manifest even your most seemingly impossible desires effortlessly, igniting massive momentum with minimal effort!

๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธWeight Loss Support: Tune into “Think Thin Weight Loss Session” for Your Body to shed unwanted pounds with unprecedented ease while uplifting your self-image positively.

๐Ÿ’‘Soulmate Attraction: Invite love, romance, and companionship into your life with the “Soulmate Magnet Session”, attracting your soulmate from any corner of the world.

๐Ÿš€Confidence Boost: Experience a surge in confidence, success, and social status with the “Miracle Manifestation Meditation: Aligning With Divine Abundance Session”, transforming any self-doubt into radiant resilience and admiration from others.

๐Ÿ’”Emotional Healing: Release past hurts, fears, and traumas hindering your success with the “Divine Light Emotional Cleanse Session”, immersing yourself in emotional nourishment and comfort.

๐Ÿ’ฐFinancial Abundance: Elevate your wealth vibration with the “Attracting Financial Abundance Session”, magnetizing the right opportunities, people, and luck to bless your financial journey.

โ˜ฎ๏ธInner Peace: Ascend to a state of euphoria with the “Joyful Moments Appreciation Gratitude Session”, emanating a warm, attractive glow throughout your day.

๐Ÿ”Guidance and Decision Making: Seek direct and detailed answers to life’s questions with “Guardian Angel Dialogue – Communication With Your Guardian Angel”, ensuring clarity and confidence in your decisions.

๐Ÿ’žRelationship Strengthening: Revitalize your intimate partnership with the “Love Connection Revitalizer Session”, fostering happiness and satisfaction, regardless of the duration of your relationship.

๐Ÿ›ก๏ธEnergy Protection: Safeguard your energy from negative influences with the “Cord Cutting & Ending Contracts with Archangel Michael Session”, doubling your spiritual energy and restoring fulfillment.

๐ŸŒŸLife Purpose Revelation: Discover your true purpose in life with the “Soul Blueprint Illumination Session”, alleviating any silent yearning for fulfillment permanently.

๐ŸŒฟSpiritual Gift Awakening: Uncover your spiritual gifts with the “Divine Gifts Activation: Awakening Your Inner Potential Session”, nurturing your creativity and developing your energetic superpowers.

๐Ÿ‘ผ Communication with Departed Loved Ones: Connect with loved ones beyond the veil with the “Communicate With Departed Loved One’s Session”, fostering healing and closure.

๐Ÿ™Immediate Divine Assistance: Access instant divine intervention with the “Celestial Crisis Response Session”, empowering you to overcome any situation with divine guidance.

๐Ÿ”ฎIntuitive Abilities Enhancement: Enhance your intuitive abilities effortlessly with the “Intuitive Insight Activation Session”, where you’ll receive a light code activation to tap into divine wisdom with grace.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธโ€๐Ÿ—จ๏ธ3rd Eye Activation: Unlock the transformative power of enhanced perception and intuitive insight with “Third Eye Awakening: Opening The Gateway To Intuition Session” guiding you towards deeper self-awareness and heightened spiritual clarity.

These angel sessions are just a glimpse of what awaits you as a member of The Manifesting Miracles Collective.

With countless more sessions available, The Manifesting Miracles Collective serves as your effortless gateway to invoking real angels, and divine personal assistants entrusted by God to ensure success in every aspect of your life.

But don’t just take my word for it…


See What Members Have Said About Healing Sessions They’ve Received From The Seraphim Angel Healing Team.


The more you listen to the Angel Sessions the more you’ll receive healing from the Seraphim Angel Healing Team…

Manifesting Miracles Collective,Angel Meditation Blessing Experiences,Love,Support,Guidance,Angels,Spiritual Transformation,FREE Trial,Waitlist,Kimberly Dawn,Spiritual Growth,Happiness,Gratitude,Reduced Anxiety,Depression,Elevated Self-Esteem,Meaning,Purpose,Compassion,Forgiveness,Relationships,Self-Actualization,Fulfillment,Grace,Satisfaction,Optimism,Angel Sessions,Divine Connection,Spiritual Evolution,Divine Essence,Vibrational Frequency,Divine Wisdom,Divine Perspective,Magical Moments,Manifestations,Divine Realm,Angelic Messages,Angel Solutions,Manifesting Miracles Collective Membership Program,Angel Session Library,Private Community,Gratitude & Miracles,Interactive Participation,Real Talk & Personal Support,Impromptu Video Channelings,Seraphim Angel Healing Team,Divine Light Blessings,Divine Love,Angelic Presence,Transformative Journey,Heartfelt Emails,Healing Center,Sedona,Archangel Michael,Seraphim Angel,Dream Experiences,Sensitive Souls,Empaths,Angelic Signs,Angelic Numbers,Direct Instructions,Increased Clarity,Angelic Helpers,Personal Power,Life Purpose,Divine Soul Gifts,Negative Energy,Miraculous Manifestations,Life Passions,Higher Consciousness,Higher Vibration,Greater Love,Creativity,Peace,Energy,Financial Abundance,Joyful Moments,Divine Gifts,Trust,Miraculous Shifts,Blessings,Everyday Life,Self-Worth,Inner Value,Energetic Alignment,Positive Energy,Inner Renewal,Emotional Healing,Loneliness,Divine Abundance,Angelic Guardianship,Weight Loss,Soulmate Attraction,Confidence Boost

Manifesting Miracles Collective,Angel Meditation Blessing Experiences,Love,Support,Guidance,Angels,Spiritual Transformation,FREE Trial,Waitlist,Kimberly Dawn,Spiritual Growth,Happiness,Gratitude,Reduced Anxiety,Depression,Elevated Self-Esteem,Meaning,Purpose,Compassion,Forgiveness,Relationships,Self-Actualization,Fulfillment,Grace,Satisfaction,Optimism,Angel Sessions,Divine Connection,Spiritual Evolution,Divine Essence,Vibrational Frequency,Divine Wisdom,Divine Perspective,Magical Moments,Manifestations,Divine Realm,Angelic Messages,Angel Solutions,Manifesting Miracles Collective Membership Program,Angel Session Library,Private Community,Gratitude & Miracles,Interactive Participation,Real Talk & Personal Support,Impromptu Video Channelings,Seraphim Angel Healing Team,Divine Light Blessings,Divine Love,Angelic Presence,Transformative Journey,Heartfelt Emails,Healing Center,Sedona,Archangel Michael,Seraphim Angel,Dream Experiences,Sensitive Souls,Empaths,Angelic Signs,Angelic Numbers,Direct Instructions,Increased Clarity,Angelic Helpers,Personal Power,Life Purpose,Divine Soul Gifts,Negative Energy,Miraculous Manifestations,Life Passions,Higher Consciousness,Higher Vibration,Greater Love,Creativity,Peace,Energy,Financial Abundance,Joyful Moments,Divine Gifts,Trust,Miraculous Shifts,Blessings,Everyday Life,Self-Worth,Inner Value,Energetic Alignment,Positive Energy,Inner Renewal,Emotional Healing,Loneliness,Divine Abundance,Angelic Guardianship,Weight Loss,Soulmate Attraction,Confidence Boost


As you can see, The Manifesting Miracles Collective offers an ideal pathway to achieve spiritual transformation that not only enhances your happiness but also elevates every aspect of your life.

Here is an outline of all the benefits awaiting you as a member of the Manifesting Miracles Collective:

As a member, you’ll gain access to the Angel Session Library, receiving 1 new angel session every week.

These sessions, conducted with the Seraphim Angel Healing Team and Archangels accompanied by tranquil angelic music, provide uplifting activations to guide your journey.

Easily find your ideal angel session within minutes by utilizing our searchable library.

Whether you’re seeking manifestations, soulmate connections, healing, stress relief, or abundance, our diverse range of sessions caters to your specific needs.

Watch the Impromptu Video Channelings…

Tune into our Impromptu Video Channelings to tap into the collective insight. I channel word-for-word messages from the Angels, offering divine guidance tailored for the group. These videos provide higher Divine light codes, enhancing your Angel communication and awakening.

Discover the transformative journey of video Angel channelings. Immerse yourself as we explore the collective energies, providing guidance for release and renewal.

Join us and elevate your path to greater understanding and well-being.

Here’s a sneak peek inside the dashboard for The Manifesting Miracles Collective…

Angel Session Library

Manifesting Miracles Collective Membership Dashboard

Manifesting Miracles Collective,Angel Meditation Blessing Experiences,Love,Support,Guidance,Angels,Spiritual Transformation,FREE Trial,Waitlist,Kimberly Dawn,Spiritual Growth,Happiness,Gratitude,Reduced Anxiety,Depression,Elevated Self-Esteem,Meaning,Purpose,Compassion,Forgiveness,Relationships,Self-Actualization,Fulfillment,Grace,Satisfaction,Optimism,Angel Sessions,Divine Connection,Spiritual Evolution,Divine Essence,Vibrational Frequency,Divine Wisdom,Divine Perspective,Magical Moments,Manifestations,Divine Realm,Angelic Messages,Angel Solutions,Manifesting Miracles Collective Membership Program,Angel Session Library,Private Community,Gratitude & Miracles,Interactive Participation,Real Talk & Personal Support,Impromptu Video Channelings,Seraphim Angel Healing Team,Divine Light Blessings,Divine Love,Angelic Presence,Transformative Journey,Heartfelt Emails,Healing Center,Sedona,Archangel Michael,Seraphim Angel,Dream Experiences,Sensitive Souls,Empaths,Angelic Signs,Angelic Numbers,Direct Instructions,Increased Clarity,Angelic Helpers,Personal Power,Life Purpose,Divine Soul Gifts,Negative Energy,Miraculous Manifestations,Life Passions,Higher Consciousness,Higher Vibration,Greater Love,Creativity,Peace,Energy,Financial Abundance,Joyful Moments,Divine Gifts,Trust,Miraculous Shifts,Blessings,Everyday Life,Self-Worth,Inner Value,Energetic Alignment,Positive Energy,Inner Renewal,Emotional Healing,Loneliness,Divine Abundance,Angelic Guardianship,Weight Loss,Soulmate Attraction,Confidence Boost

Manifesting Miracles Collective Dashboard Sample


Manifesting Miracles Collective,Angel Meditation Blessing Experiences,Love,Support,Guidance,Angels,Spiritual Transformation,FREE Trial,Waitlist,Kimberly Dawn,Spiritual Growth,Happiness,Gratitude,Reduced Anxiety,Depression,Elevated Self-Esteem,Meaning,Purpose,Compassion,Forgiveness,Relationships,Self-Actualization,Fulfillment,Grace,Satisfaction,Optimism,Angel Sessions,Divine Connection,Spiritual Evolution,Divine Essence,Vibrational Frequency,Divine Wisdom,Divine Perspective,Magical Moments,Manifestations,Divine Realm,Angelic Messages,Angel Solutions,Manifesting Miracles Collective Membership Program,Angel Session Library,Private Community,Gratitude & Miracles,Interactive Participation,Real Talk & Personal Support,Impromptu Video Channelings,Seraphim Angel Healing Team,Divine Light Blessings,Divine Love,Angelic Presence,Transformative Journey,Heartfelt Emails,Healing Center,Sedona,Archangel Michael,Seraphim Angel,Dream Experiences,Sensitive Souls,Empaths,Angelic Signs,Angelic Numbers,Direct Instructions,Increased Clarity,Angelic Helpers,Personal Power,Life Purpose,Divine Soul Gifts,Negative Energy,Miraculous Manifestations,Life Passions,Higher Consciousness,Higher Vibration,Greater Love,Creativity,Peace,Energy,Financial Abundance,Joyful Moments,Divine Gifts,Trust,Miraculous Shifts,Blessings,Everyday Life,Self-Worth,Inner Value,Energetic Alignment,Positive Energy,Inner Renewal,Emotional Healing,Loneliness,Divine Abundance,Angelic Guardianship,Weight Loss,Soulmate Attraction,Confidence Boost

The Manifesting Miracles Collective is conveniently accessible through a dedicated app, available for download on both IOS and Android devices.

This allows you to listen to the Angel sessions at your convenience, wherever you are, and whenever you desire, with effortless ease.

This collaborative process not only addresses individual concerns but also benefits the entire collective, offering insights and solutions that resonate with shared challenges.

Engage with our private community through our dedicated posts area, fostering connections, discussions, and support around the clock.

Share your moments of gratitude and miracles with our community, contributing to a culture of positivity and inspiration.

Shape the future of our collective journey by voting on upcoming sessions, ensuring content that aligns with your preferences and needs.

Find solace and guidance in our “Real Talk & Personal” section, where you can freely express yourself, seek support, and share insights within a supportive environment.

The total value of our comprehensive Angel Sessions exceeds $1,999 and continues to expand each month.

Now, you’re probably wondering about the cost of The Angel Solution.

The most groundbreaking aspect of The Manifesting Miracles Collective lies in its affordability.

Considering the extensive benefits you receive…

It’s reasonable to expect a substantial membership fee. After all, individuals happily invest $49, $99, or even more for similar programs every day…

Ordinarily, access to the Angel Session Library, the Impromptu Angel Channelings, the support offered through the Gratitude & Miracles, and Real Talk & Personal post feed, the opportunity to connect with like-minded members, and the exceptional level of personal access I provide would command a significant price tag.

A membership of this caliber would easily cost $149 per month, given that purchasing each piece of content individually would exceed $1999…

But here’s the good news: I won’t be charging anywhere near that amount. I understand what it’s like to feel lost and defeated, and I remember the person who took a chance on me, believing and investing in my potential…

Today, I’m paying it forward by investing in you, because I truly believe that your presence here is guided by the angels and is meant to be.

So, here’s the deal…

I’m offering this program because I’ve been guided to do so by the Angels, and I believe it has the potential to positively impact thousands of lives.

So, if you’re interested in joining the Manifesting Miracles Collective as an official member…

It won’t cost you $1999.

I’m not asking for $99/month or even $69/month at this stage.


Right now, for just $35 per month… which amounts to only $1.17 per day.


You can gain unlimited instant access!

That’s all there is to it!

There are no upsells, and there’s absolutely nothing else to purchase, ensuring that every Angelic Soul, including you, can afford to participate.

And to sweeten the deal, you can sign up now for…

24-Hours Right Now…


For Just $0.



You certainly don’t want to miss out.

So, to take advantage of this special, limited-time offer, click the button below right nowโ€ฆ

Join us for The Manifesting Miracle Collective Membership Enrollment Event, featuring Angel Blessing Meditation Experiences!


Doors open from Friday, April 19th - Monday, April 22nd, 2024.


Enrollment closes on Monday, April 22nd, 2024, at 5 pm PST, and won't reopen until May 2024.

Secure your spot by joining the waitlist today!

Once you sign up, youโ€™ll gain immediate access to our searchable Angel Sessions and can watch the latest Impromptu Angel Channeling.

If, for any reason during the 24-hour trial, you feel The Angel Solution isnโ€™t right for you, simply cancel your membership hassle-free through the “Account” tab in the member’s dashboard or the “Contact” tab.

However, if you find The Manifesting Miracles Collective as delightful as I believe you will, thereโ€™s nothing more for you to do.

We’ll manage everything else, and you’ll be billed just $35/month for as long as youโ€™d like to stay a member.

Youโ€™re under no obligation, and you can cancel at any time within the member’s dashboard.

And, as a special bonus, when you join today, you’ll receive complimentary access to the Archangel Michael House Clearing and Blessing Session, a transformative experience tailored to bring protection, clarity, and divine connection to your home.

So, with our $0, 24-hour trial membership, you literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Join us for The Manifesting Miracle Collective Membership Enrollment Event, featuring Angel Blessing Meditation Experiences!


Doors open from Friday, April 19th - Monday, April 22nd, 2024.


Enrollment closes on Monday, April 22nd, 2024, at 5 pm PST, and won't reopen until May 2024.

Secure your spot by joining the waitlist today!

Once you’ve signed up, an email containing your login details will be sent to you promptly, granting you immediate access to The Manifesting Miracles Collective.

I urge you to take action now and join me, along with the Manifesting Miracles Collective community, The Seraphim Angel Healing Team, The Archangels, and your personal team of guides and angels, as we embark on a journey to make this upcoming year your most extraordinary yet.

Seize this opportunity to leave the past behind and embrace a future filled with greater love, abundance, divine creativity, and profound peace beyond your wildest dreams.

Thank you for your time! I eagerly anticipate welcoming you to Manifesting Miracles Collective inside the Member’s Dashboard, where we’ll have the chance to connect on a deeper level. Until then,

With abundant love and blessings,

Manifesting Miracles Collective,Angel Meditation Blessing Experiences,Love,Support,Guidance,Angels,Spiritual Transformation,FREE Trial,Waitlist,Kimberly Dawn,Spiritual Growth,Happiness,Gratitude,Reduced Anxiety,Depression,Elevated Self-Esteem,Meaning,Purpose,Compassion,Forgiveness,Relationships,Self-Actualization,Fulfillment,Grace,Satisfaction,Optimism,Angel Sessions,Divine Connection,Spiritual Evolution,Divine Essence,Vibrational Frequency,Divine Wisdom,Divine Perspective,Magical Moments,Manifestations,Divine Realm,Angelic Messages,Angel Solutions,Manifesting Miracles Collective Membership Program,Angel Session Library,Private Community,Gratitude & Miracles,Interactive Participation,Real Talk & Personal Support,Impromptu Video Channelings,Seraphim Angel Healing Team,Divine Light Blessings,Divine Love,Angelic Presence,Transformative Journey,Heartfelt Emails,Healing Center,Sedona,Archangel Michael,Seraphim Angel,Dream Experiences,Sensitive Souls,Empaths,Angelic Signs,Angelic Numbers,Direct Instructions,Increased Clarity,Angelic Helpers,Personal Power,Life Purpose,Divine Soul Gifts,Negative Energy,Miraculous Manifestations,Life Passions,Higher Consciousness,Higher Vibration,Greater Love,Creativity,Peace,Energy,Financial Abundance,Joyful Moments,Divine Gifts,Trust,Miraculous Shifts,Blessings,Everyday Life,Self-Worth,Inner Value,Energetic Alignment,Positive Energy,Inner Renewal,Emotional Healing,Loneliness,Divine Abundance,Angelic Guardianship,Weight Loss,Soulmate Attraction,Confidence Boost


๐ŸŒŸ What is the Manifesting Miracles Collective Membership all about?

The Manifesting Miracles Collective Membership is an exclusive program designed to accelerate your spiritual growth and connect you with divine guidance and support from angelic beings. Through a curated collection of Angel Sessions, private community interactions, and personalized guidance, members embark on a transformative journey toward greater love, abundance, and fulfillment.

๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ How does the 24-hour FREE Trial Membership work?

Our 24-hour FREE Trial Membership offers you full access to the Manifesting Miracles Collective for three days, allowing you to explore our Angel Session Library, engage with our community, and experience the transformative power of angelic guidance. If you decide the membership isn’t right for you within the trial period, simply cancel hassle-free through the member’s dashboard.

๐ŸŒบ What benefits can I expect as a member of the Manifesting Miracles Collective?

As a member, you’ll have access to our comprehensive Angel Session Library, which includes a new Angel Session added every Thursday. You’ll also enjoy our Impromptu Video Channelings to tap into the collective insight. I channel word-for-word messages from the Angels, offering divine guidance tailored for the group. These videos provide higher Divine light codes, enhancing your Angel communication and awakening.

๐Ÿ“ฑ How do I access the Angel Sessions?

Angel Sessions are easily accessible online via your computer, laptop, tablet, or phone. Additionally, our platform offers a dedicated app, which can be downloaded on both IOS and Android devices. Members have the flexibility to listen to sessions at their convenience, anytime and anywhere, with effortless ease.

๐ŸŒŸ What topics do the Angel Sessions cover?

Our Angel Sessions cover a wide range of topics, including manifestation, soulmate connections, emotional healing, abundance, spiritual growth, and more. Each session is meticulously crafted to address specific challenges and facilitate personal transformation.

๐ŸŽ‰ What Angel Sessions have been released inside the member’s area so far?

You can keep yourself informed about the newest Angel sessions released within the Manifesting Miracles Collective Angel Session Library by visiting this link.

๐Ÿ›‘ Can I cancel my membership at any time?

Yes, you can cancel your membership at any time within the member’s dashboard. There are no long-term commitments, and you have the freedom to discontinue your membership whenever you choose.

๐Ÿ’ซ What happens after the trial period ends?

If you decide to continue with the Manifesting Miracles Collective after the trial period, you’ll be billed just $35 per month for ongoing access. Your membership grants you unlimited access to our curated content and community, empowering you to continue your journey of spiritual growth and transformation.

๐Ÿ’ฐ Is there any additional cost or upsell within the membership?

No, there are no additional costs or upsells within the membership. Your monthly subscription fee grants you complete access to all features and content offered within the Manifesting Miracles Collective.

๐Ÿค What support options are available for members?

Members enjoy a nurturing community, Impromptu Video Angel Channelings, personalized guidance from Kimberly to determine the most beneficial Angel Session for you, and exclusive support channels in your member’s dashboard. Whether you’re seeking answers, guidance, or motivation, our team is dedicated to supporting you every step of the journey.

โฑ๏ธ How many minutes are the Angels Sessions? How long are they?

Each Angel Session varies in duration, spanning from 8 to 40 minutes, offering flexibility for those with limited time to spare.

โœจ How can I make the most of my Manifesting Miracles Collective Membership?

To fully leverage your membership benefits, we encourage active participation in our vibrant community, engaging with a variety of Angel Sessions, experiencing our Impromptu Video Angel Channelings, receiving support and feedback in the Gratitude & Miracles, and Real Talk & Personal post feed, and seeking personalized guidance through our private member’s feed to discover the Angel Session that resonates most with you at this moment. Embrace the journey of transformation with openness and receptivity, allowing the wisdom of angelic guidance to illuminate your path toward increased love, abundance, and fulfillment.

Join us for The Manifesting Miracle Collective Membership Enrollment Event, featuring Angel Blessing Meditation Experiences!


Doors open from Friday, April 19th - Monday, April 22nd, 2024.


Enrollment closes on Monday, April 22nd, 2024, at 5 pm PST, and won't reopen until May 2024.

Secure your spot by joining the waitlist today!