I’m writing a quick note to help you know where I’ve been coming from as you’ve seen my services and offerings change this past year and perhaps you haven’t known why…


We’ve been inundated with emails since the news with the election came out.  Many are going through sadness, lots of emotions coming to the surface and physical pain along with heavy feelings of not knowing what the future holds for them.


We received intuition early on from the Archangels and healing team about some of the world events coming.  I’ve been preparing for the past 3 years intently for what we are seeing hit the stage in the world arena with this whole election being quite a shock to so many.


I did not know exactly what negative events were coming, but we were told the start of a lot more negative things on earth would occur in rapid succession.


As Jer and I do our daily Archangel Crystal Light Sessions we go up with the healing team and are shown many things to be prepared for.


With this knowing, I have been trying out what services will help the most clients overall with all I see my clients dealing with – this is why various changes in services this past year has happened.


At the beginning of 2016 I let go of doing 1:1 sessions for the most part to give birth to the Archangel Crystal Light Small, Large and then the Mini Unit.


This needed to take place so that the healing team could help more people at one time as more chaotic world events came into play.


Mission accomplished with designing 3 Archangel Crystal Light Units with instruction from the healing team.  So relieved about this for 2016.  So many more have been reached.  Thank you to all my clients who moved over to the VIP Monday Night Archangel Crystal Light Sessions, which allowed room in my schedule to accomplish higher direction from the healing team.


This took all of my focus, clarity and intent to bring the Archangel Crystal Lights through in early 2016.  We were told we were ahead of schedule… whew!


Thank God, because us being ahead of schedule with birthing the Archangel Crystal Lights allowed for the Archangel Crystal Light Energy Healings that would prepare my clients for what’s to come to be put to full use.


I am forever thankful to the healing team for doing all of the healing work on our light bodies ahead of time before these more shocking events were to take place.


I want to thank Sandy Walls in Sedona, Arizona for being an owner…a conduit for her Large Archangel Crystal Light Unit.  She is one of the Archangel Crystal Light Unit owners that is diligently helping clients on a daily basis.  She also brings Angel messages through for her clients and is such a higher being of light serving so many who need assistance at this time.  Thank you Sandy for all you do on a daily basis that brings healing to so many.


The amount of work that’s on my plate daily is a tremendous amount and it is not slowing down anytime soon.  Because of this I have needed to test out with the healing team exactly what services I am to offer that create the most overall healing for my clients at the same time of allowing me to serve and help the most clients I can in a given month with still taking care of myself with eating healthy, exercise, and building my energy reserves back up again.


The healing team continues to show me that focusing on your self care each and every day is of utmost importance at this time.


When we are serving like this, with our Soul’s mission on earth, it is of utmost importance to make sure you take care of the basic human needs you have such as good nutrition, exercise, getting enough sleep and balancing all the daily tasks for your work and life in a way that’s uplifting and inspiring for you.


I have many clients that benefit greatly from using the Empath Protection Mini Unit (Archangel Crystal Lights) daily, some keep their mini units running 24/7 because they feel it brings a higher healing light of love and protection in for them (they feel as if it’s a light beam of protection, love and positive energy that’s being sent to them from the heavens above).  Many clients use the Empath Protection Mini Unit (Archangel Crystal Lights) as an augmentation to the VIP Monday Night Archangel Crystal Light Energy Healing Sessions.  They find that using both for their healing, higher connection and energetic protection helps them remain more centered, calm and clear during the week overall.  Bringing them a sense of consistent relief and peace they hadn’t felt prior.


This makes my heart very happy to know that so much healing light, love and protection is able to reach my clients with ease now.


The healing team shows me how much the Empath Protection Mini Unit (Archangel Crystal Lights) helps those that utilize it have more peace in their hearts on a consistent basis and they are able to heal those clients on a deeper level more frequently because the healing team can heal them in a protected way more effortlessly.  Think of the Empath Protection Mini Unit (Archangel Crystal Lights) creating a healing light stream with a shield of protection being placed around your home, family members and yourself 24/7. So grateful that’s what it brings my clients.


For those of you who previously received the 1:1 Archangel Crystal Light Energy Healings I’m so sorry if you were disappointed when I needed to stop doing those sessions for a little while and focus on doing the Monday Night Group Healings instead.  You being okay with this allowed me to give birth to 3 types of Archangel Crystal Light units so that more people in need could be assisted by the higher realms with advanced healing energy.


With higher instruction, I have brought back the 1:1 Archangel Crystal Light Energy Healing Sessions.  You still receive the typed Angel Messages just for you, the only difference now is that your healing will be complete at midnight –  1am, on the date of your choice, with your Angel Messages sent to you at 1am after your healing is complete.


The healing team likes doing the 1:1 Archangel Crystal Light Energy Healing Sessions while clients are deeply resting or sleeping so more energy healing can be complete on their light body in a very effective, yet gentle way.


I was shown to bring back these 1:1 Archangel Crystal Light Energy Healing Sessions in place of doing email Angel readings because many more will need an immense amount of deep healing with their physical, mental and emotional body as more world events take place.


I’m listening intently to what I’m being shown to bring through to assist the most people possible, who are ready.


The VIP Monday Night Archangel Crystal Light Energy Healing Sessions are the #1 way my clients receive continuous healing from the healing team on an ongoing basis.  The healing team also brings through overnight healings consistently for the VIP Monday Nighters along with a continuous stream of positive protection light for them and their homes.


The darker stuff on earth is not letting up, if anything more chaos and darkness is happening to earth and her people, which causes more darker particles, implants and devices to come to the surface in our light bodies (multidimensionally).  If these aren’t lifted up and out of our light body by a higher light team in a protected and safe way we end up feeling more depression and pain symptoms, which for many is extremely debilitating.


For this reason I am not as drawn to offer services that only focus upon psychic readings or intuitive readings.  More now than ever I’m shown to offer the personalized Angel Messages combined with the 1:1 Archangel Crystal Light Energy Healing Sessions in order to bring very advanced healing to the physical, mental, emotional and light body for those who are ready.


When I just do readings without the healings I tend to feel there is a huge chunk missing which is the very piece that can help my clients the most… advanced Archangel Crystal Light Energy Healings with the healing team.


This is why the Monday Night Archangel Crystal Light Energy Healings will remain intact… as they are the most helpful service that is offered overall because of the ongoing healings my clients receive from them, along with my clients being able to stay protected and energized with a loving light source all week long.


The 1:1 Phone Sessions will remain available for 60 minute sessions for VIP Monday Night Members only.  The price has increased due to my time demands that are on me from being inundated with requests that have increased tremendously.


Thank you for all of your loving words you have wrote to me in emails.  If my assistant Meeka hasn’t gotten back with you yet, she will.  She is working on each email one by one.


Due to the enormous amounts of emails we receive, I have instructed Meeka, my assistant that we cannot give individual intuitive advice through email for anything you are personally going through, however the main service that you’d want to consider if you’d like Angel Messages written directly for you is the 1:1 Archangel Crystal Light Energy Healing Sessions where typed Angel Messages are included.

  1. All you need to do for the 1:1 Archangel Crystal Light Energy Healing Sessions is enter the date you’d like to receive your session after clicking the paypal button.
  2. You’ll receive a confirmation email within a couple hours after purchasing, confirming the date of your choice.
  3. You’ll receive an email prior to your session held on that date at midnight, then an email after your session ends at 1am with your typed Angel Messages. (I type your Angel Messages the day of your session with word for word intuitive messages for you and schedule them to be sent to you at 1am so you receive your messages upon awakening).



Thank you for understanding all the changes I’d been instructed to make in 2016 due to all the world events that were going to and are taking place. It has taken quite the footwork, so to speak, to be sure I was going to be able to handle all of the influx the healing team showed me was coming in from these world events.


I couldn’t have done it without your love, understanding, sweetness and your depth.


Thank you for all of the light you bring this world.


Keep taking care of yourself with your nutrition, healthy eating and regular exercise.  The ground based needs of the body will always remain so long you are in your physical body.  What helps your mind stay at peace is also a healthy body that functions at it’s optimal levels.  Taking care of your physical self with the tiniest of action steps will always be of utmost importance.


May you know how dearly loved you are cherished, adored and watched over.



I’d love to know what insights you received from this post and how it helped you.  I look forward to hearing from you in the comment section below.  What you have to share may help other’s who feel the same way you do.


May you light the way for others so all can find their way back home.


In Love & Grace,

PS If you’d like to heal your past life karma, be able to trust your intuition and hear the Angels better, do join us for the Monday Night Angel Healing Sessions For Empaths where you’ll receive…

  • Healing of past life Karma with the Angels
  • DNA family lineage clearing (healing the bloodline)
  • A stronger more pure connection with the Angels
  • Activation of your authentic vibrational self
  • Activation that enhances your ability to receive Angel messages for yourself daily
  • Typed Angel message for you from Archangel Michael and the Healing Team